upload rights for my Debian packages

Stefano Rivera stefanor at ubuntu.com
Sat Oct 12 10:03:00 UTC 2013

Hi Daniel (2013.09.26_10:19:49_+0200)
> That has changed now, I've brought a number of high quality packages
> into Ubuntu recently

Ah, yes, I see some syncs.


> Can you please advise on the next steps, e.g. do I need to find somebody
> to request sponsorship, do I need to attend a DMB meeting?  The document
> below[1] suggested that it may be feasible for Debian Developers such as
> myself to use email exchanges rather than attending a meeting, and given
> the time difference, that is preferable for me.

The Dynamic PPU procedure is for amending the list of packages someone
has upload rights to. Paragraph 11 says:

> Such individuals must have previously attended a meeting as in
> paragraph 3 and thereby demonstrated sufficient knowledge of Ubuntu
> and the relevant differences between Ubuntu and Debian.

So, yes, you should write an application, and get people who have
sponsored you to write endorsements. Add a link to the agenda wiki page,
and (if necessary) pick a meeting.

I suggest applying for PPU rights for your packages. As a Debian
Developer, we've already got a good idea of your skills. So, all we
really need to check is that you understand the Ubuntu schedule &


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 461 1230 C: +27 72 419 8559

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