Ubuntu Core Developer application

Iain Lane laney at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 2 16:09:53 UTC 2011

On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 02:54:53PM -0400, Scott Moser wrote:
> I would like to apply for CoreDev, and additionally for upload rights to
> Ubuntu Server package set, and MOTU.
> You can find my application here:
>   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScottMoser/DeveloperApplication
> I will add myself to the agenda for the meeting on 2011-08-01.

I'm closing the votes for ~ubuntu-core-dev and ~ubuntu-server-dev. The
results are: 5 +1, 0 +0, 0 -1, for a total of +5.

  Scott Moser becomes a member of ~ubuntu-core-dev and

Welcome :-)

As there is some outstanding questioning on the application for ~motu,
I'll leave that until Monday 2011-09-05. If remaining board members do
not vote before then, I'll consider it a vote of +0 and the result will
be +4.


Iain Lane                                  [ iain at orangesquash.org.uk ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at debian.org ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ubuntu.com ]
PhD student                                       [ ial at cs.nott.ac.uk ]
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