Minutes from the Developer Memebrship Board meeting 2010-03-02

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 21:49:55 UTC 2010

Chair: Emmet Hikory
Present:  Colin Watson, Søren Hansen, Michael Bienia,
Absent:  Cody Somerville,  Stéphane Graber, Richard Johnson

= Action review =
 * [ACTION] (co) persia to gather votes from absent members by email

= Contributing Developer: Scott Howard =
 * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScottHoward/ContributingDeveloperApplication
 * Scott has been active in g-p-m, Science packages, and many
miscellaneous fixes.  He was approved unanimously for Contribting
Developer.  Welcome!

= Core Developer: Didier Roche =
 * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DidierRoche/CoreDevApplication
 * Didier has extended his work on Desktop packages into several
flavours and deep build dependencies, and was approved was approved
unanimously for Core Developer.  Welcome!

= Select a chair for the next meeting =
 * Quorum had been lost at this point, and a chair will be determined via email


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