Inquiring about email vote results for Elliot Murphy MOTU application

Elliot Murphy elliot at
Tue Feb 16 18:57:34 UTC 2010

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 12:34 PM, Emmet Hikory <persia at> wrote:
>    And it seems we've set a pattern of delay, apologies again.  The
> absent members of the Board were able to present their results via
> email, with one vote for and one against, leaving you with a total of
> three in favour of granting membership in MOTU, one against, and three
> abstentions.  I believe this results in a denial of the application at
> this time (although I'll admit that I've not seen this precise vote
> count previously, so if someone has precedent from a similar Ubuntu
> board for a different result to this count, I'll happily change my
> mind).

Thanks for following up, I accept the decision of the DMB to deny my
application for MOTU at this time.
Elliot Murphy |

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