Fwd: Edubuntu members and Edubuntu Developer

Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at ubuntu.com
Thu Dec 16 16:04:58 UTC 2010

Apologies, I neglected to include devel-permissions in this email, we
welcome Michael Hall as new Edubuntu Developer:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Edubuntu members and Edubuntu Developer
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 13:43:30 -0500
From: Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <jonathan at ubuntu.com>
Organization: Ubuntu
To: Edubuntu Developers <edubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
CC: Submit and discuss any Ubuntu related news stories
<ubuntu-news-team at lists.ubuntu.com>, Community Council
<community-council at lists.ubuntu.com>

Hi Edubuntu Developers

We welcome the following Edubuntu members. They are both existing Ubuntu
members who have been involved in Edubuntu and have recently applied for

Belinda Lopez: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelindaLopez
Michael Hall: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mhall119

I initially wrote "new" Edubuntu members in this email, but they already
feel like old-timers so it felt right removing it!

Michael Hall also applied for edubuntu-dev status, which allows
uploading to the Edubuntu package set. Michael received 4 votes in
favour and is now an official Edubuntu Developer.

Thanks to both members for their involvment and we look forward to their
continued contributions!

-Jonathan on behalf of the Edubuntu Council

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