[Bug 93329] Re: System hangs when Evince tries to open this document

François Ingelrest Athropos at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 14:14:01 UTC 2007

Here is a screenshot of the problem. There are actually two gv
processes, but when the tool is finally able to take the screenshot, one
of the processes is gone. Here is also a copy paste of the top output
when the two processes are there. Please tell me if you need me to do
more tests.

top - 14:58:03 up  5:51,  5 users,  load average: 3.68, 2.84, 1.80
Tasks: 120 total,   2 running, 118 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  6.0%us,  3.5%sy,  0.0%ni, 31.5%id, 55.6%wa,  1.8%hi,  1.7%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   2074964k total,  2023836k used,    51128k free,     1208k buffers
Swap:  1951856k total,   535852k used,  1416004k free,    22388k cached

18106 ingelres  18   0 1044m 961m 1424 D   13 47.4   0:02.91 gs
  186 root      10  -5     0    0    0 S    4  0.0   0:14.48 kswapd0
18104 ingelres  18   0 1044m 886m 1424 R    2 43.7   0:02.84 gs
 4032 root      13  -2  1708  240  164 S    0  0.0   0:07.37 ipw3945d-2.6.20
17722 root      15   0 50492 8748 3664 S    0  0.4   0:09.72 Xorg
17947 ingelres  15   0  2316  652  452 R    0  0.0   0:00.44 top
    1 root      16   0  2908  180  180 S    0  0.0   0:01.97 init

** Attachment added: "Screenshot of the problem"

System hangs when Evince tries to open this document

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