[Bug 62842] Re: avahi isn't working correctly with Rhythmbox and Banshee (Itunes sharing)

Justin Zaun justin.zaun at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 04:15:58 UTC 2007

I'm currently using banshee-daap 0.11.5 and it gives me a nice message
that iTunes7 is not supported. I'de like to say this is not a "fix" for
the problem as I still can not access the shares. The daap protocol
needs to be updated so this works.

I went on IRC the the banshee channel and basically got "This will never
work" and "tell your friends the badness of DRM and have them switch."
So should I tell them to switch and be in the same boat I'm it, a broken
non-functional sinking (more people are switching to iTunes7) boat?

I know DRM is bad, you either go with it (and put the time in to reverse
engineer the protocol) or make no progress forward (who would switch to
a system that have less functionality.)

So as a user friendly desktop Ubuntu should keep this bug open and put
pressure up-stream to truly FIX the problem (not our fault, but its our

avahi isn't working correctly with Rhythmbox and Banshee (Itunes sharing)

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