[Bug 77033] Re: Remove "Online Documentation" from System/Help menu

Matthew East matt at mdke.org
Fri Jan 12 21:24:43 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 21:03 +0000, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> That doesn't address the video use case. 

Well, we are in fact developing some videos, and these will be
integrated into the relevant documentation pages using links. I don't
think a link in the menu (which doesn't really address video anyway)
will assist.

> Is it not true that there is
> content which is NOT searchable through Yelp, which we could have online?

Yes, it's not true ;)

> Look - if your goal is to remove the link, then you can argue in favour
> of that all year long. But the goal is to provide the most complete
> possible documentation experience, online and offline, and that's what
> I'd like to see before agreeing to removing that link.

You've got me wrong - I want to provide the most complete documentation
experience online and offline, and that's the exact reason I'm arguing
in favour of removing the link. I don't have any ulterior motives,
except I am passionate about helping users find documentation easily. We
even wrote a spec about it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsableHelpMenu

gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

Remove "Online Documentation" from System/Help menu

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