[Bug 83034] Re: panel-autohide leaves a one-pixel line on the desktop

Bogdan Butnaru bogdanb+launchpad at gmail.com
Sat Feb 3 13:57:12 UTC 2007

By the way, if you don't know how to check this, the relevant keys are
in the Configuration Editor, the node:

/apps/panel/toplevels/<whatever panel you have>/auto_hide_size

Set it to zero, set the panel to autohide (check key auto_hide right
above the other), then move the mouse on and off the panel to make it
hide. You might need to temporarily disable the wallpaper and/or change
the desktop color to notice the line (black works best for me, but I
guess it depends on your theme).

panel-autohide leaves a one-pixel line on the desktop

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