[Bug 62506] Re: Incorrectly Detects HP Fax device

Jon Kapla jon at kapla.se
Thu Sep 28 21:02:59 UTC 2006

jon at elefantbajs:~$ lpinfo -l -v
Device: uri = socket
        class = network
        info = AppSocket/HP JetDirect
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id = 
Device: uri = beh
        class = network
        info = Backend Error Handler
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id = 
Device: uri = bluetooth
        class = network
        info = Bluetooth printer
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id = 
Device: uri = hp:/no_device_found
        class = direct
        info = hp no_device_found
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id = 
Device: uri = http
        class = network
        info = Internet Printing Protocol (http)
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id = 
Device: uri = ipp
        class = network
        info = Internet Printing Protocol (ipp)
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id = 
Device: uri = lpd
        class = network
        info = LPD/LPR Host or Printer
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id = 
Device: uri = parallel:/dev/lp0
        class = direct
        info = LPT #1
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id = 
Device: uri = hpfax:/no_device_found
        class = direct
        info = no_device_found
        make-and-model = HP Fax
        device-id = 
Device: uri = canon:/dev/lp0
        class = direct
        info = Parallel Port #1
        make-and-model = CANON
        device-id = 
Device: uri = epson:/dev/lp0
        class = direct
        info = Parallel Port #1
        make-and-model = EPSON
        device-id = 
Device: uri = smb
        class = network
        info = Windows Printer via SAMBA
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id =
The cups web interface seems not to be able to detect my printer, the dropdown  list shows more or less the same info as lpinfo  -l -v.

Incorrectly Detects HP Fax device

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