[Bug 58093] Re: I lost the control of the desktop when screen saver run

Nick Demou ndemou at enlogic.gr
Wed Sep 6 14:08:00 UTC 2006

from a duplicate of this bug (Bug #24305) here are some comments:

if the screensaver activates while the focus is on an rdesktop window, then upon exiting the screensaver (either password protected one or not) the mouse and keyboard are not working (moving the mouse or clicking around or typing have almost absolutely no effect). The only keys that work are X windows and gnome shortcuts (like ctrl-alt-L, ctrl-alt-F1 etc).

Everything comes back to normal if you do either one of the following:
a) if you once again activate and exit the screensaver (by pressing ctrl-Alt-L for example)
b) if you kill gnome-screensaver

1) Start a session to a windows pc with rdesktop (you don't even need to login)
2) Open a terminal and run the following command then quickly switch to rdesktop and wait for the screensaver to start
     sleep 5; gnome-screensaver-command --activate

I lost the control of the desktop when screen saver run

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