[Bug 58854] Re: Gaim crash when reordering groups by drag and drop in buddy list

Sander Dijkhuis sander.dijkhuis at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 16:25:49 UTC 2006

I'm using the same version (2.0.0+beta3.1-1ubuntu4), but Gaim doesn't
hang when moving groups here. Instead, it hangs when a meta contact is
automatically opened (by moving another contact or by moving a group).

It seems I cannot do a backtrace, or I'm doing something wrong. gdb
gives errors like "Couldn't get registers: No such process." and "Cannot
fetch general-purpose registers for thread -1220708688: generic error".
When doing "killall gaim", it seems to close nicely according to the log
(disconnects from the servers, unloads plugins etc.).

Gaim crash when reordering groups by drag and drop in buddy list

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