[Bug 67086] Re: crash to iconcache code when using gtk-qt theme

Lubos Kolouch lubos.kolouch at gmail.com
Sun Oct 29 18:53:45 UTC 2006

I did not change the KDE theme when I tried it... maybe I changed an icon or something...
my /usr/share/icons :

16x16                          Industrial
32x32                          kdeclassic
48x48                          kids
Amaranth                       kubuntu
application-default-icon.png   LargePrint
Cedega.xpm                     locolor
Crux                           Locolor
crystalsvg                     LowContrast
default                        LowContrastLargePrint
default.kde                    Lush
gnome                          Mist
gnomedev                       Nuvola
Gorilla                        redglass
handhelds                      slick
hicolor                        SphereCrystal
HighContrast                   sun-java5.png
HighContrastInverse            sun-java5.xpm
HighContrastLargePrint         Tangerine
HighContrastLargePrintInverse  Tango
HighContrast-SVG               Wasp
Human                          whiteglass

there is nothing in my  .icons

crash to iconcache code when using gtk-qt theme

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