[Bug 29050] Re: cupsys does not automatically detect parallel printer

Ante Karamatić ivoks at grad.hr
Thu Oct 26 09:02:42 UTC 2006

U Čet, 26. 10. 2006., u 07:30 +0000, gcordoba je napisao/la:

> [17179572.624000] PCI: If a device doesn't work, try "pci=routeirq".
If it helps, post a report


> gcordoba at ecordoba-laptop:~$ pci=routeirq

You should add pci=routeirq to 'defoptions' in /boot/grub/menu.lst, so
it looks like this:

# defoptions=quiet splash pci=routeirq

(don't erase that # on the begining). Then save and run 'sudo
update-initramfs' and reboot.

> gcordoba at ecordoba-laptop:~$ sudo modprobe ppdev

Adding output of 'dmesg' after this command would be usefull.

cupsys does not automatically detect parallel printer

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