[Bug 67370] Re: [Edgy] Nautilus randomly opens home folder lots

Don Scorgie Don.Scorgie at Blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Oct 23 16:43:19 UTC 2006


No click issues in other applications (Well, apart from a malfunctioning
middle-button, but that's not involved here and causes problems with
other OSs).  A11y isn't enabled.  No thin client setup, just a normal
desktop box.

The only messages in .xsession-errors are:
seahorse nautilus module initialized
when opening Nautilus from the Places menu and

Window manager warning: Received a _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE message for 0x4600004 (don); these messages lack timestamps and therefore suck.
when resizing a nautilus window.

Some more info.  The seahorse stuff doesn't affect this.  I uninstalled
seahorse and the bug still happened.  In addition, it is reproducible
from the alt-f2 'run command' dialog using ~/ as the command.

I'm running a dual-head (non-xinerama) setup.  I seem to only be able to
reproduce the problem using my second monitor (DISPLAY=:0.1).  On the
primary (:0.0), it seems to always work properly, using both the
"Places" menu and the "Run command" dialog.

[Edgy] Nautilus randomly opens home folder lots

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