[Bug 49608] Re: Incorperate Beagle searching into GtkFileChooser

Christoffer Sørensen ubuntu at curo.dk
Fri Oct 13 18:37:09 UTC 2006

I think it would be best if this would only be enabled if beagle is

It is not okay to require beagle because systems with 256 MB of RAM will
suffer. I've got one, so I know.

I agree that beagle is cool and edgy+1 would really benefit of
integrated search for systems that are more modern than mine.

beagle.h is included in the beagle-dev package (beagle-dev:
usr/include/libbeagle/beagle/beagle.h). Which package is then required:
beagle or libbeagle0?

Incorperate Beagle searching into GtkFileChooser

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