[Bug 73270] Re: Crash after GtkNotebookWindowCreationFunc

Tony Houghton h at realh.co.uk
Thu Nov 30 16:49:33 UTC 2006

In <20061130095117.10952.66790.malone at gangotri.ubuntu.com>, you wrote:

> You should have a drop-down box under the Status label. The status
> changes might be restricted to the bugsquad members, you should be able
> to close a bug you have opened though.

There definitely aren't links or menus there now, and I don't think
there ever were before you rejected the bug. There are links under
"Affects" and "Assigned To", but I think they're just to provide more
information, not to edit the bug.

> If that doesn't for you maybe
> open a bug on launchpad


TH * http://www.realh.co.uk

Crash after GtkNotebookWindowCreationFunc

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