[Bug 45915] Re: Won't run immediately after ubuntu install

Simon Grantham sgrantham at walled.net
Thu Nov 30 03:54:53 UTC 2006

Yes, on the same laptop as before but not my new one.  It's probably not 
worth chasing down as I'm sure its related to the fact that I have two 
Ethernet PCMCIA cards that I swap, a Xircom Ethernet card and a Dell 
Wireless card.  (Have LAN, will travel.)   The trace dump I did before, 
kind a gives the implication that its somehow related, but I've been way 
too swamped to chase down further.  The question is, how many people 
actually swap net cards back and forth?

You guys are way too diligent thanks,


Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> did you get that issue again since dapper? If not we can probably mark
> the bug as fixed

Won't run immediately after ubuntu install

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