[Bug 72904] Re: ICQ data tranfer

Schattenglanz funny.hangman at web.de
Wed Nov 29 19:35:03 UTC 2006

this time I tried to send a 2MB picture to a friend and were n/a or
online... both times it crashes...
The same picture i´ve send without problems to a gillfriend, and she
send it without problems to him... (via Win ICQ)

i hope the files are compleate enough. They are both out of the
terminal, because the ubuntu/edgy bug report hadn´t start if it
crashed... maybe I try it later again...


Am Freitag, den 24.11.2006, 08:41 +0000 schrieb Sebastien Bacher:
> Le jeudi 23 novembre 2006 à 23:19 +0000, Schattenglanz a écrit :
> > hi, 
> > i´ve installed gaim-dbg, but there is no readme.txt or so, which
> > describe what schould i do now... if it´s difficult maybe you know
> > someone who can give me a short german descrpition. If not, englich is
> > ok, too... 
> > by the way, I know the translation of "coredump" but i´ve "no idea"
> > about the correct meaning... I´m not an IT spezialist, but i hope i can
> > help...
> Nothing special to do, just wait to get the crash and attach the new
> crash file to the bug. 
> The backtrace (the functions listed by your bug) lacked details, they
> will have them once that package is installed
> The coredump is a binary which contains details of the crash and can be
> used by the debug. Apport gives you the option to attach it to the bug
> or to use a light version (what you attached to the bug apparently).

dbus: okkk
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/dbus-example.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/docklet.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/extplacement.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/gaimrc.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/gestures.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/gevolution.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/history.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/iconaway.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/idle.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libgaimperl.so
plugins: /usr/lib/gaim/libgaimperl.so is not usable because the 'gaim_init_plugin' symbol could not be found.  Does the plugin call the GAIM_INIT_PLUGIN() macro?
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libgg.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libirc.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libjabber.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libmsn.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libnovell.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/liboscar.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libsimple.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libyahoo.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libzephyr.so
plugins: /usr/lib/gaim/libzephyr.so is unloadable: libzephyr.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/musicmessaging.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/nautilus.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/notify.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/perl.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/psychic.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/relnot.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/spellchk.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/ssl-gnutls.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/ssl-nss.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/ssl.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/statenotify.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/tcl.so
plugins: /usr/lib/gaim/tcl.so is unloadable: libtcl8.4.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/ticker.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/timestamp.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/timestamp_format.so
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libsametime.so
plugins: /usr/lib/gaim/libsametime.so has a prefs_info, but is a prpl. This is no longer supported.
util: Reading file accounts.xml from directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
util: Reading file status.xml from directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
stun: using server 
stun: using server 
sound: Initializing sound output drivers.
util: Reading file blist.xml from directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
prefs: Reading /home/lxuser/.gaim/prefs.xml
sound: Sound output driver loaded: ESounD output
prefs: Finished reading /home/lxuser/.gaim/prefs.xml
plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/history.so
plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/notify.so
plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/timestamp_format.so
plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/relnot.so
plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/docklet.so
docklet: plugin loaded
gtkblist: added visibility manager: 1
tray icon: created
pounce: Error reading pounces: Datei »/home/lxuser/.gaim/pounces.xml« konnte nicht geöffnet werden: No such file or directory
Session Management: ICE initialized.
Session Management: Connecting with no previous ID
Session Management: Handling new ICE connection... done.
Session Management: Connected to manager (GnomeSM) with client ID 117f000101000116482737100000045030082
Session Management: Using gaim as command
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
account: Connecting to account 220659266
connection: Connecting. gc = 0x84abba0
oscar: oscar_login: gc = 0x84abba0
oscar: registered module misc (family 0xffff, version = 0x0000, tool 0x0000, tool version 0x0000)
oscar: registered module oservice (family 0x0001, version = 0x0003, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module locate (family 0x0002, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module buddy (family 0x0003, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module messaging (family 0x0004, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module advert (family 0x0005, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0001, tool version 0x0001)
oscar: registered module invite (family 0x0006, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module admin (family 0x0007, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module popup (family 0x0008, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0104, tool version 0x0001)
oscar: registered module bos (family 0x0009, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module userlookup (family 0x000a, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module stats (family 0x000b, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0104, tool version 0x0001)
oscar: registered module translate (family 0x000c, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0104, tool version 0x0001)
oscar: registered module chatnav (family 0x000d, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module chat (family 0x000e, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module odir (family 0x000f, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module bart (family 0x0010, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module feedbag (family 0x0013, version = 0x0004, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: registered module icq (family 0x0015, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x047c)
oscar: registered module auth (family 0x0017, version = 0x0000, tool 0x0000, tool version 0x0000)
oscar: registered module alert (family 0x0018, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0003
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0017/0003
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0017/0007
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0017/000a
dns: Created new DNS child 15064, there are now 1 children.
dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 15064
Session Management: Received first save_yourself
prefs: /gaim/gtk/blist/list_visible changed, scheduling save.
Session Management: Received save_complete
prefs: /gaim/gtk/blist/list_visible changed, scheduling save.
tray icon: embedded
dns: Got response for 'login.icq.com'
proxy: Connecting to login.icq.com:5190 with no proxy
proxy: Connect would have blocked.
proxy: Connected.
oscar: Screen name sent, waiting for response
oscar: inside auth_resp (Screen name: 220659266)
oscar: Reg status: 0
oscar: E-mail is NULL
oscar: BOSIP:
oscar: Closing auth connection...
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0003
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0006
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0009/0003
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/0005
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0002/0003
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0003/0003
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0003/000b
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0003/000c
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/0007
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0002/0001
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/000a
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/000b
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/000a
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/0010
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 000a/0001
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 000a/0003
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/0001
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/0014
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0002/0006
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0002/fffe
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0002/fffd
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/000c
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/0013
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/0005
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/0001
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0003/0001
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0009/0001
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/001f
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/000f
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/0021
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0015/00f0
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0015/00f1
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0008/0002
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0015/00f3
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0015/00f2
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0001
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0003
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0006
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/000f
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/000e
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0008
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0015
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0019
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/001b
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/001c
dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 15064
dns: Got response for ''
proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
proxy: Connect would have blocked.
proxy: Connected.
oscar: adding group 0x0001
oscar: adding group 0x0002
oscar: adding group 0x0003
oscar: adding group 0x0004
oscar: adding group 0x0006
oscar: adding group 0x0008
oscar: adding group 0x0009
oscar: adding group 0x000a
oscar: adding group 0x000b
oscar: adding group 0x000c
oscar: adding group 0x0013
oscar: adding group 0x0015
oscar: adding group 0x0022
oscar: aim_setversions: server supports group 0x0022 but we don't!
oscar: MOTD: Unknown (5)
oscar: --- Adding rate class 2 to connection type 1: window size = 80, clear = 2500, alert = 2000, limit = 1500, disconnect = 800, current = 5854, max = 6000
oscar: --- Adding rate class 2 to connection type 2: window size = 80, clear = 3000, alert = 2000, limit = 1500, disconnect = 1000, current = 6000, max = 6000
oscar: --- Adding rate class 2 to connection type 3: window size = 20, clear = 3100, alert = 2500, limit = 2000, disconnect = 1500, current = 3500, max = 4500
oscar: --- Adding rate class 2 to connection type 4: window size = 20, clear = 5500, alert = 5300, limit = 4200, disconnect = 3000, current = 6000, max = 8000
oscar: --- Adding rate class 2 to connection type 5: window size = 10, clear = 5500, alert = 5300, limit = 4200, disconnect = 3000, current = 6000, max = 8000
oscar: ssi: requesting rights and list
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xa2 oscar: 
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0014
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0001
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x38 oscar: 
oscar: locate rights: max sig len = 4096
oscar: buddy list rights: Max buddies = 600 / Max watchers = 2000
oscar: BOS rights: Max permit = 1000 / Max deny = 1000
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
connection: Activating keepalive.
oscar: buddy list loaded
oscar: aim_clientready: server supports group 0x0022 but we don't!
oscar: ssi rights: max type 0x0000=2600, max type 0x0001=51, max type 0x0002=128, max type 0x0003=128, max type 0x0004=1, max type 0x0005=1, max type 0x0006=50, max type 0x0007=0, max type 0x0008=0, max type 0x0009=3, max type 0x000a=0, max type 0x000b=0, max type 0x000c=0, max type 0x000d=128, max type 0x000e=128, max type 0x000f=20, max type 0x0010=200, max type 0x0011=1, max type 0x0012=0, max type 0x0013=1, max type 0x0014=15, max type 0x0015=1, max type 0x0016=40, max type 0x0017=0, max type 0x0018=0, max type 0x0019=200, max type 0x001a=1, max type 0x001b=20, max type 0x001c=200, max type 0x001d=1, max type 0x001e=8, max type 0x001f=20, max type 0x0020=1, max type 0x0021=0, max type 0x0022=0, max type 0x0023=0,
oscar: ssi: syncing local list and server list
oscar: ssi: activating server-stored buddy list
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xa2 oscar: 
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xa2 oscar: 
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xa2 oscar: 
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xa2 oscar: 
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xa2 oscar: 
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0014
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0001
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x38 oscar: 
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xa2 oscar: 
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xa2 oscar: 
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/b6d1205c
buddyicon: Uncached file 2d799c5e
blist: Updating buddy status for 122056292 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 122056292 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/201d6e78
buddyicon: Uncached file 57aecc7c
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =86983541
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xbb oscar: 0xda oscar: 
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/75b28f6
buddyicon: Uncached file 3501eb07
blist: Updating buddy status for 86983541 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =86983541
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xbb oscar: 0xda oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 86983541 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 86983541 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/bd8d1b5e
buddyicon: Uncached file 39d5b158
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/123269cb
buddyicon: Uncached file 9a104e8f
blist: Updating buddy status for 280554509 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
blist: Updating buddy status for 280554509 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 280554509 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/9bac753d
buddyicon: Uncached file 9c2b6b8e
blist: Updating buddy status for 99126300 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 99126300 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {b6074378-f50c-4ac7-9092-5938502d0591}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/512ea90f
buddyicon: Uncached file cebd25a5
blist: Updating buddy status for 406331713 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {b6074378-f50c-4ac7-9092-5938502d0591}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 406331713 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =345176074
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xda oscar: 0xa0 oscar: 
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/f482d002
buddyicon: Uncached file c749b319
blist: Updating buddy status for 345176074 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =345176074
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xda oscar: 0xa0 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 345176074 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 345176074 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =301244845
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xcb oscar: 0x13 oscar: 
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/15e78de0
buddyicon: Uncached file ef831bfb
blist: Updating buddy status for 301244845 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =301244845
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xcb oscar: 0x13 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 301244845 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 301244845 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/5450780d
buddyicon: Uncached file 7afded0d
blist: Updating buddy status for 109154552 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
blist: Updating buddy status for 109154552 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 109154552 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 149325833 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 149325833 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/8b532f1c
buddyicon: Uncached file 660e53b2
blist: Updating buddy status for 373512072 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 373512072 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =347126571
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xda oscar: 0x65 oscar: 
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/c50846ad
buddyicon: Uncached file 10cb4b0c
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =347126571
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xda oscar: 0x65 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =312957095
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xda oscar: 0x12 oscar: 
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/1c8a0c3b
buddyicon: Uncached file 4711ab83
blist: Updating buddy status for 312957095 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =312957095
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xda oscar: 0x12 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 312957095 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 312957095 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 171239275 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 171239275 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 171239275 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =238703290
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xd2 oscar: 0x82 oscar: 
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/9f2f56f4
buddyicon: Uncached file 6f2ef5aa
blist: Updating buddy status for 238703290 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =238703290
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xd2 oscar: 0x82 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 238703290 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 238703290 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/3e8c8f42
buddyicon: Uncached file b88f70e8
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =261257270
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xf1 oscar: 
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 261257270 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =261257270
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xf1 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 261257270 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 261257270 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: icq response: 9 bytes, 220659266, 0x0042, 0x0011
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {609d52f8-a29a-49a6-b2a0-2524c5e9d260}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 426092575 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {609d52f8-a29a-49a6-b2a0-2524c5e9d260}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 426092575 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0003
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0006
dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 15064
dns: Got response for ''
proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
proxy: Connect would have blocked.
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =220659266
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xa2 oscar: 
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =151148349
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xd4 oscar: 0x1b oscar: 
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
buddyicon: Wrote file /home/lxuser/.gaim/icons/6ac3bd8
buddyicon: Uncached file e3ce4fa1
blist: Updating buddy status for 151148349 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =151148349
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xd4 oscar: 0x1b oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 151148349 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 151148349 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: icq response: 11 bytes, 220659266, 0x07da, 0x0013
proxy: Connected.
oscar: chatnav: connected
oscar: adding group 0x0001
oscar: adding group 0x000d
oscar: --- Adding rate class 13 to connection type 1: window size = 80, clear = 2500, alert = 2000, limit = 1500, disconnect = 800, current = 5854, max = 6000
oscar: --- Adding rate class 13 to connection type 2: window size = 80, clear = 3000, alert = 2000, limit = 1500, disconnect = 1000, current = 6000, max = 6000
oscar: --- Adding rate class 13 to connection type 3: window size = 20, clear = 3100, alert = 2500, limit = 2000, disconnect = 1500, current = 3500, max = 4500
oscar: --- Adding rate class 13 to connection type 4: window size = 20, clear = 5500, alert = 5300, limit = 4200, disconnect = 3000, current = 6000, max = 8000
oscar: --- Adding rate class 13 to connection type 5: window size = 10, clear = 5500, alert = 5300, limit = 4200, disconnect = 3000, current = 6000, max = 8000
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 000d/0001
oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 000d/0009
oscar: chat info: Chat Rights:
oscar: chat info: 	Max Concurrent Rooms: 10
oscar: chat info: 	Exchange List: (16 total)
oscar: chat info: 		20    
oscar: chat info: 		16    
oscar: chat info: 		15    
oscar: chat info: 		14    
oscar: chat info: 		13    
oscar: chat info: 		12    
oscar: chat info: 		11    
oscar: chat info: 		10    
oscar: chat info: 		9    
oscar: chat info: 		8    
oscar: chat info: 		7    
oscar: chat info: 		6    
oscar: chat info: 		5    
oscar: chat info: 		4    
oscar: chat info: 		2    
oscar: chat info: 		1    
util: Writing file accounts.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
util: Writing file blist.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
prefs: /gaim/gtk/blist/list_visible changed, scheduling save.
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =151148349
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xd4 oscar: 0x1b oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 151148349 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 151148349 (AIM/ICQ)
util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =261257270
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xd8 oscar: 0xf1 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 261257270 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 261257270 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =238703290
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xd2 oscar: 0x82 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 238703290 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 238703290 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=42
prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/default_height changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/default_height changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/entry_height changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/entry_height changed, scheduling save.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 19 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 19 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 20 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 20 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 20 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 20 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 21 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 22 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 23 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 24 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 25 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 25 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 26 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 27 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 28 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 29 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 30 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 31 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 32 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 33 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 34 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 35 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 35 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 36 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 37 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 38 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 39 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 40 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 40 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 41 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 42 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 42 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 42 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 43 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 44 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 44 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 45 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 46 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 47 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 48 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 49 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 50 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 50 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 50 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 51 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 51 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 52 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 52 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 53 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 54 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 54 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 54 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 55 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 56 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 57 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 57 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 58 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 58 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 58 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 59 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 59 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 60 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 61 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 61 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 62 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 63 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 64 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 65 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 66 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 66 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 67 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 68 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 69 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 70 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 71 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 72 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 73 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 74 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 75 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 75 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 76 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 77 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 78 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 79 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 80 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 81 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 82 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 83 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 84 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 85 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 85 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 85 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 86 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 87 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 88 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 89 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 90 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 91 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 91 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 91 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 92 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 93 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 94 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 95 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 96 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 97 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 98 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 98 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 98 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 99 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 99 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 100 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 101 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 101 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 102 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 103 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 104 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 105 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 106 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 107 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 107 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 108 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 109 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 109 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 110 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 111 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 112 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 113 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 114 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 115 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 115 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 116 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 117 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 118 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 119 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 120 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 121 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 122 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 123 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 124 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 125 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 126 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 126 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 127 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 128 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 128 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 128 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 129 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 129 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 129 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 130 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 131 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 132 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 133 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 134 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 135 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 136 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 137 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 138 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 139 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 140 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 141 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 142 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 143 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 144 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 145 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 146 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 146 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 146 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 146 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 147 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 147 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 148 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 149 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 150 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 151 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 152 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 153 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 154 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 155 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 155 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 156 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 156 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 157 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 157 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 158 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 159 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 160 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 161 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 162 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 163 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 164 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 164 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 165 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 166 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 166 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 167 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 168 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 168 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 169 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 170 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 171 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 171 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 172 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 173 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 174 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 175 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 176 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 177 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 178 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 179 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 180 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 181 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 181 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 182 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 183 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 184 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 185 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 186 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 187 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 188 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 189 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 189 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 190 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 191 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 192 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 193 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 194 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 195 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 196 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 196 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 196 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 197 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 198 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 199 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 200 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 201 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 201 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 201 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 202 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 202 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 203 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 204 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 205 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 206 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 207 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 208 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 208 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 209 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 210 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 211 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 212 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 213 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 214 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 215 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 215 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 215 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 216 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 216 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 217 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 217 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 218 so far.
gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 219 so far.
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
blist: Updating buddy status for 171239275 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 171239275 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =312957095
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xda oscar: 0x12 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 312957095 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 312957095 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =347126571
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xda oscar: 0x65 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 109154552 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 109154552 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
util: Writing file blist.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =301244845
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xcb oscar: 0x13 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 301244845 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 301244845 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =345176074
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xda oscar: 0xa0 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 345176074 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 345176074 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: Claiming to have a buddy icon
oscar: Sending IM, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, length=130
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=31
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: Sent message to 221367522.
oscar: Sending IM, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, length=3
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: Sent message to 221367522.
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=10
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: Sending IM, charset=0x0002, charsubset=0x0000, length=36
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: Sent message to 221367522.
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =347126571
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xda oscar: 0x65 oscar: 
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =347126571
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xdb oscar: 0x88 oscar: 
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =347126571
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xdb oscar: 0x88 oscar: 
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=21
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =347126571
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xdb oscar: 0x88 oscar: 
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 280554509 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 280554509 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =86983541
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xbb oscar: 0xda oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 86983541 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 86983541 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 373512072 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =373512072
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xdb oscar: 0xf0 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 373512072 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 373512072 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =373512072
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xdb oscar: 0xf0 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 373512072 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 373512072 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =373512072
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xdb oscar: 0xf0 oscar: 
blist: Updating buddy status for 373512072 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 373512072 (AIM/ICQ)
prefs: /gaim/gtk/blist/y changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/blist/y changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/blist/x changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/blist/y changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/blist/x changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/blist/y changed, scheduling save.
util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=97
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: Sending IM, charset=0x0002, charsubset=0x0000, length=48
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: Sent message to 221367522.
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=2
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=42
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: Sending IM, charset=0x0002, charsubset=0x0000, length=88
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: Sent message to 221367522.
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0003, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=33
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=17
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =347126571
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xdb oscar: 0x88 oscar: 
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =347126571
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xdc oscar: 0xc6 oscar: 
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: userinfo:   sn    =347126571
oscar: userinfo:   type  =0x0027
oscar: userinfo:   length=0x0004
oscar: userinfo:   value:
userinfo:        oscar: 0x45 oscar: 0x6d oscar: 0xdc oscar: 0xc6 oscar: 
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
status: Attempted to set status attribute 'message' for status 'Nicht erreichbar', which is not legal.  Fix this!
blist: Updating buddy status for 347126571 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: Sending IM, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, length=12
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
oscar: Sent message to 221367522.
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: saving accels to /home/lxuser/.gaim/accels
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
prefs: /gaim/gtk/blist/list_visible changed, scheduling save.
util: Writing file blist.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=3
prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/default_height changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/default_height changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/entry_height changed, scheduling save.
prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/entry_height changed, scheduling save.
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0016 (len 4)
oscar: incomingim_ch1: unknown TLV 0x0013 (len 1)
oscar: Received IM from 221367522 with 1 parts
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=3
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
accels: accel changed, scheduling save.
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 348330511 (AIM/ICQ)
accels: saving accels to /home/lxuser/.gaim/accels
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 221367522 (AIM/ICQ)
util: Writing file blist.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
blist: Updating buddy status for 79048170 (AIM/ICQ)
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
blist: Updating buddy status for 149325833 (AIM/ICQ)
util: Writing file blist.xml to directory /home/lxuser/.gaim
sighandler: Caught signal 2
account: Disconnecting account 0x81ae610
connection: Disconnecting connection 0x84abba0
connection: Deactivating keepalive.
oscar: Signed off.
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
g_log: gaim_dbus_pointer_to_id: assertion `id || node == NULL' failed
connection: Destroying connection 0x84abba0
plugins: Unloading plugin AIM/ICQ
plugins: Unloading plugin Gadu-Gadu
plugins: Unloading plugin GroupWise
plugins: Unloading plugin History
plugins: Unloading plugin IRC
plugins: Unloading plugin Jabber
plugins: Unloading plugin MSN
plugins: Unloading plugin Message Notification
plugins: Unloading plugin Message Timestamp Formats
plugins: Unloading plugin Perl Plugin Loader
plugins: Unloading plugin Release Notification
plugins: Unloading plugin SIMPLE
plugins: Unloading plugin Sametime
plugins: Unloading plugin System Tray Icon
gtkblist: removed visibility manager: 0
tray icon: destroyed
docklet: plugin unloaded
plugins: Unloading plugin Yahoo

======= Memory map: ========
08048000-08158000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 782082     /usr/bin/gaim
08158000-0815c000 rw-p 00110000 03:06 782082     /usr/bin/gaim
0815c000-086d4000 rw-p 0815c000 00:00 0          [heap]
b35ec000-b4121000 rw-p b35ec000 00:00 0 
b4121000-b4200000 ---p b4121000 00:00 0 
b42df000-b4343000 r--p 00000000 03:06 962523     /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf
b4343000-b4352000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 651561     /lib/libbz2.so.1.0.3
b4352000-b4353000 rw-p 0000f000 03:06 651561     /lib/libbz2.so.1.0.3
b4353000-b4383000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783209     /usr/lib/libcroco-0.6.so.3.0.1
b4383000-b4386000 rw-p 0002f000 03:06 783209     /usr/lib/libcroco-0.6.so.3.0.1
b4386000-b43af000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783456     /usr/lib/libgsf-1.so.114.0.1
b43af000-b43b2000 rw-p 00028000 03:06 783456     /usr/lib/libgsf-1.so.114.0.1
b43b2000-b43b3000 rw-p b43b2000 00:00 0 
b43b3000-b43e2000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 782215     /usr/lib/librsvg-2.so.2.16.0
b43e2000-b43e3000 rw-p 0002f000 03:06 782215     /usr/lib/librsvg-2.so.2.16.0
b43e3000-b4ef7000 rw-p b43e3000 00:00 0 
b4ef7000-b4f63000 r--p 00000000 03:06 962520     /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf
b4f63000-b4f81000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783561     /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.62.0.0
b4f81000-b4f82000 rw-p 0001d000 03:06 783561     /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.62.0.0
b4f90000-b4f93000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 831783     /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-jpeg.so
b4f93000-b4f94000 rw-p 00003000 03:06 831783     /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-jpeg.so
b4f94000-b4f95000 rw-p b4f94000 00:00 0 
b4f95000-b4ff5000 rw-s 00000000 00:08 36700165   /SYSV00000000 (deleted)
b4ff5000-b5094000 r--s 00000000 03:06 557993     /var/lib/aspell/de_DE-only.rws
b5094000-b5981000 r--s 00000000 03:06 557987     /var/lib/aspell/de-common.rws
b5981000-b5982000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 830735     /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/svg_loader.so
b5982000-b5983000 rw-p 00001000 03:06 830735     /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/svg_loader.so
b5983000-b5984000 rw-p b5983000 00:00 0 
b5984000-b5b2e000 r--p 00000000 03:06 1026186    /usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache
b5b2e000-b618a000 r--p 00000000 03:06 1028177    /usr/share/icons/gnome/icon-theme.cache
b618a000-b63e2000 r--p 00000000 03:06 1030533    /usr/share/icons/Tango/icon-theme.cache
b63e2000-b6433000 r--p 00000000 03:06 1029598    /usr/share/icons/Tangerine/icon-theme.cache
b6433000-b6594000 r--p 00000000 03:06 1026175    /usr/share/icons/Human/icon-theme.cache
b6594000-b6595000 r--p 00000000 03:06 1079064    /usr/share/locale-langpack/de/LC_MESSAGES/launchpad-integration.mo
b6595000-b6596000 r--p 00000000 03:06 1079112    /usr/share/locale-langpack/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/launchpad-integration.mo
b6596000-b6607000 r--p 00000000 03:06 962524     /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf
b6607000-b6667000 rw-s 00000000 00:08 36667393   /SYSV00000000 (deleted)
b6667000-b6678000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 830746     /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libubuntulooks.so
b6678000-b6679000 rw-p 00011000 03:06 830746     /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libubuntulooks.so
b6679000-b66c3000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783129     /usr/lib/libXt.so.6.0.0
b66c3000-b66c7000 rw-p 00049000 03:06 783129     /usr/lib/libXt.so.6.0.0
b66c7000-b66dc000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783166     /usr/lib/libaudio.so.2.4
b66dc000-b66dd000 rw-p 00014000 03:06 783166     /usr/lib/libaudio.so.2.4
b66dd000-b66e0000 r--p 00000000 03:06 1075890    /usr/share/locale-langpack/de/LC_MESSAGES/atk10.mo
b66e0000-b66e2000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 816866     /usr/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/pango-basic-fc.so
b66e2000-b66e3000 rw-p 00001000 03:06 816866     /usr/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/pango-basic-fc.so
b66e3000-b66e7000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 831782     /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.so
b66e7000-b66e8000 rw-p 00003000 03:06 831782     /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.so
b66e8000-b66ea000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 814559     /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/liboss.so
b66ea000-b66eb000 rw-p 00001000 03:06 814559     /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/liboss.so
b66eb000-b66ec000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 814558     /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/libnas.so
b66ec000-b66ed000 rw-p 00001000 03:06 814558     /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/libnas.so
b66ed000-b6714000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 782149     /usr/lib/libmeanwhile.so.1.0.2
b6714000-b6715000 rw-p 00026000 03:06 782149     /usr/lib/libmeanwhile.so.1.0.2
b6715000-b6716000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 814557     /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/libesd.so
b6716000-b6717000 rw-p 00000000 03:06 814557     /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/libesd.so
b6717000-b671c000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783907     /usr/lib/libartsc.so.0.0.0
b671c000-b671d000 rw-p 00004000 03:06 783907     /usr/lib/libartsc.so.0.0.0
b671d000-b671e000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 814556     /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/libarts.so
b671e000-b671f000 rw-p 00000000 03:06 814556     /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/libarts.so
b671f000-b6722000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 814555     /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/libalsa09.so
b6722000-b6723000 rw-p 00002000 03:06 814555     /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/libalsa09.so
b6723000-b6737000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799104     /usr/lib/gaim/libsametime.so
b6737000-b6738000 rw-p 00013000 03:06 799104     /usr/lib/gaim/libsametime.so
b6738000-b6739000 rw-p b6738000 00:00 0 
b6739000-b673b000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799902     /usr/lib/gaim/timestamp_format.so
b673b000-b673c000 rw-p 00001000 03:06 799902     /usr/lib/gaim/timestamp_format.so
b673c000-b6741000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799900     /usr/lib/gaim/ticker.so
b6741000-b6742000 rw-p 00004000 03:06 799900     /usr/lib/gaim/ticker.so
b6742000-b6750000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799894     /usr/lib/gaim/spellchk.so
b6750000-b6751000 rw-p 0000d000 03:06 799894     /usr/lib/gaim/spellchk.so
b6751000-b6756000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 684817     /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libcrypt-2.4.so
b6756000-b6758000 rw-p 00004000 03:06 684817     /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libcrypt-2.4.so
b6758000-b677f000 rw-p b6758000 00:00 0 
b677f000-b688f000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783681     /usr/lib/libperl.so.5.8.8
b688f000-b6894000 rw-p 00110000 03:06 783681     /usr/lib/libperl.so.5.8.8
b6894000-b6897000 rw-p b6894000 00:00 0 
b6897000-b6899000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799901     /usr/lib/gaim/timestamp.so
b6899000-b689a000 rw-p 00002000 03:06 799901     /usr/lib/gaim/timestamp.so
b689a000-b689c000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799898     /usr/lib/gaim/statenotify.so
b689c000-b689d000 rw-p 00001000 03:06 799898     /usr/lib/gaim/statenotify.so
b689d000-b689e000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799897     /usr/lib/gaim/ssl.so
b689e000-b689f000 rw-p 00000000 03:06 799897     /usr/lib/gaim/ssl.so
b689f000-b68a0000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799896     /usr/lib/gaim/ssl-nss.so
b68a0000-b68a1000 rw-p 00000000 03:06 799896     /usr/lib/gaim/ssl-nss.so
b68a1000-b68a3000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799895     /usr/lib/gaim/ssl-gnutls.so
b68a3000-b68a4000 rw-p 00001000 03:06 799895     /usr/lib/gaim/ssl-gnutls.so
b68a4000-b68ad000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799891     /usr/lib/gaim/perl.so
b68ad000-b68ae000 rw-p 00008000 03:06 799891     /usr/lib/gaim/perl.so
b68ae000-b68d2000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799534     /usr/lib/gaim/libyahoo.so
b68d2000-b68e2000 rw-p 00024000 03:06 799534     /usr/lib/gaim/libyahoo.so
b68e2000-b68eb000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799136     /usr/lib/gaim/libsimple.so
b68eb000-b68ec000 rw-p 00008000 03:06 799136     /usr/lib/gaim/libsimple.so
b68ec000-b68fc000 rw-p b68ec000 00:00 0 
b68fc000-b693c000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799048     /usr/lib/gaim/liboscar.so
b693c000-b693e000 rw-p 00040000 03:06 799048     /usr/lib/gaim/liboscar.so
b693e000-b6956000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 798228     /usr/lib/gaim/libnovell.so
b6956000-b6957000 rw-p 00018000 03:06 798228     /usr/lib/gaim/libnovell.so
b6957000-b697f000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 798227     /usr/lib/gaim/libmsn.so
b697f000-b6980000 rw-p 00028000 03:06 798227     /usr/lib/gaim/libmsn.so
b6980000-b6983000 rw-p b6980000 00:00 0 
b6983000-b69a5000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 798219     /usr/lib/gaim/libjabber.so
b69a5000-b69a6000 rw-p 00022000 03:06 798219     /usr/lib/gaim/libjabber.so
b69a6000-b69a9000 rw-p b69a6000 00:00 0 
b69a9000-b69b9000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 798215     /usr/lib/gaim/libirc.so
b69b9000-b69ba000 rw-p 00010000 03:06 798215     /usr/lib/gaim/libirc.so
b69ba000-b69cd000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783304     /usr/lib/libgadu.so.3.5
b69cd000-b69ce000 rw-p 00013000 03:06 783304     /usr/lib/libgadu.so.3.5
b69ce000-b69d0000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799893     /usr/lib/gaim/relnot.so
b69d0000-b69d1000 rw-p 00001000 03:06 799893     /usr/lib/gaim/relnot.so
b69d1000-b69d3000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 799892     /usr/lib/gaim/psychic.so
b69d3000-b69d4000 rw-p 00001000 03:06 799892     /usr/lib/gaim/psychic.so
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b7a18000-b7a1a000 rw-p 0005f000 03:06 782167     /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2.9.2
b7a1a000-b7a52000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 782581     /usr/lib/libpango-1.0.so.0.1400.5
b7a52000-b7a54000 rw-p 00037000 03:06 782581     /usr/lib/libpango-1.0.so.0.1400.5
b7a54000-b7a5b000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 784041     /usr/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.so.0.1400.5
b7a5b000-b7a5c000 rw-p 00006000 03:06 784041     /usr/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.so.0.1400.5
b7a5c000-b7a71000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 782174     /usr/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0.1000.6
b7a71000-b7a72000 rw-p 00015000 03:06 782174     /usr/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0.1000.6
b7a72000-b7a73000 rw-p b7a72000 00:00 0 
b7a73000-b7a8b000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783489     /usr/lib/libatk-1.0.so.0.1213.0
b7a8b000-b7a8d000 rw-p 00017000 03:06 783489     /usr/lib/libatk-1.0.so.0.1213.0
b7a8d000-b7b0e000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 782333     /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0.1000.6
b7b0e000-b7b11000 rw-p 00081000 03:06 782333     /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0.1000.6
b7b11000-b7e5a000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 782334     /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.1000.6
b7e5a000-b7e60000 rw-p 00349000 03:06 782334     /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.1000.6
b7e60000-b7e61000 rw-p b7e60000 00:00 0 
b7e61000-b7e64000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 781948     /usr/lib/liblaunchpad-integration.so.0.0.0
b7e64000-b7e65000 rw-p 00002000 03:06 781948     /usr/lib/liblaunchpad-integration.so.0.0.0
b7e65000-b7e6c000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783759     /usr/lib/libstartup-notification-1.so.0.0.0
b7e6c000-b7e6d000 rw-p 00006000 03:06 783759     /usr/lib/libstartup-notification-1.so.0.0.0
b7e6d000-b7f1b000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783155     /usr/lib/libaspell.so.15.1.4
b7f1b000-b7f1f000 rw-p 000ad000 03:06 783155     /usr/lib/libaspell.so.15.1.4
b7f1f000-b7f24000 rw-p b7f1f000 00:00 0 
b7f24000-b7f28000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783503     /usr/lib/libgtkspell.so.0.0.0
b7f28000-b7f29000 rw-p 00004000 03:06 783503     /usr/lib/libgtkspell.so.0.0.0
b7f29000-b7f2b000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783127     /usr/lib/libXss.so.1.0.0
b7f2b000-b7f2c000 rw-p 00001000 03:06 783127     /usr/lib/libXss.so.1.0.0
b7f2c000-b7f4a000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783168     /usr/lib/libaudiofile.so.0.0.2
b7f4a000-b7f4c000 rw-p 0001e000 03:06 783168     /usr/lib/libaudiofile.so.0.0.2
b7f4c000-b7f4f000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783143     /usr/lib/libao.so.2.1.3
b7f4f000-b7f50000 rw-p 00002000 03:06 783143     /usr/lib/libao.so.2.1.3
b7f50000-b7f7f000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 782291     /usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3.0.0
b7f7f000-b7f80000 rw-p 0002f000 03:06 782291     /usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3.0.0
b7f80000-b7f9a000 r-xp 00000000 03:06 783222     /usr/lib/libdbus-glib-1.so.2.0.0
b7f9a000-b7f9b000 rw-p 00019000 03:06 783222     /usr/lib/libdbus-glib-1.so.2.0.0
b7f9b000-b7f9c000 rw-p b7f9b000 00:00 0 
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b7f9d000-b7f9e000 r--p 00000000 03:06 831285     /usr/lib/locale/de_DE.utf8/LC_PAPER
b7f9e000-b7f9f000 r--p 00000000 03:06 831365     /usr/lib/locale/de_DE.utf8/LC_NAME
b7f9f000-b7fa0000 r--p 00000000 03:06 831366     /usr/lib/locale/de_DE.utf8/LC_ADDRESS
b7fa0000-b7fa1000 r--p 00000000 03:06 831367     /usr/lib/locale/de_DE.utf8/LC_TELEPHONE
b7fa1000-b7fa2000 r--p 00000000 03:06 831281     /usr/lib/locale/de_DE.utf8/LC_MEASUREMENT
b7fa2000-b7fa9000 r--s 00000000 03:06 798162     /usr/lib/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
b7fa9000-b7faa000 r--p 00000000 03:06 831368     /usr/lib/locale/de_DE.utf8/LC_IDENTIFICATION
b7faa000-b7fab000 rw-p b7faa000 00:00 0 
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bff4d000-bff62000 rw-p bff4d000 00:00 0          [stack]
ffffe000-fffff000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0          [vdso]
Aborted (core dumped)
lxuser at lxuser-desktop:~$

ICQ data tranfer

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