[Bug 67621] Re: crashes when ripping cd with no profile selected

Andrew Montgomery darkliquid at darkliquid.co.uk
Fri Nov 24 21:00:32 UTC 2006

I don't seem to be able to reset the values in

They remain entirely blank and to not revert to defaults.

I ran this:

gconftool-2 -R /system/gstreamer/0.10/audio

and it returns this:


Sound-juicer always insists it has no profiles - even if I add one
manually. The manual one gets listed, but the error still occurs.
Selecting the manual encoding and then trying to extract the cd still
results in a segfault.

Where are the 'defaults' for profile_list you mention? And how do I
restore them?

crashes when ripping cd with no profile selected

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