[Bug 5805] Re: System/About Ubuntu not working in dapper flight-2

cabelo rgfcesar at bol.com.br
Sun Nov 5 14:19:34 UTC 2006

I have the same problem: after click on "About Ubuntu" at System menu, a
tab "Starting About Ubuntu" is showed in the panel for 15 seconds and
disappears without launching any application.

Running from the terminal the command line:

yelp ghelp:about-ubuntu

I have the output:

yelp: error while loading shared libraries: libgtkembedmoz.so: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

My distro is Dapper Drake and Gnome 2.14.3. Firefox 2.0 installed.

Even uninstalling Mozilla browser the problem continues...

Best regards,
Rodrigo Ferrari

System/About Ubuntu not working in dapper flight-2

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