[Bug 40984] Re: Default config lists incorrect gdmprefetch command

Sitsofe Wheeler sitsofe at yahoo.com
Wed May 3 18:25:59 UTC 2006

Oh no this isn't what I was aiming for! I guess I didn't make things clear:

"/etc/gdm/gdmprefetchlist lists a whole lot of files that aren't there (using the following should show which files are and aren't available:
find $(cat /etc/gdm/gdmprefetchlist | grep -v \#)"

In short before you enable prefetching /etc/gdm/gdmprefetchlist MUST be updated because it refers to non-existant files. This is why I was suggesting it would be better if the PreFetchProgram line was commented out by default. Using this small script:

find $(cat /etc/gdm/gdmprefetchlist | grep -v \#) 2>&1 | grep "No such" | wc -l

Suggests that there are 23 files in /etc/gdm/gdmprefetchlist that are not there out of a possible 30.

** Changed in: gdm (Ubuntu)
       Status: Fix Released => Unconfirmed

Default config lists incorrect gdmprefetch command

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