[Bug 35613] Snippets Plugin: Cannot add snippets to languages that don't have any

Arthur Peters amp at singingwizard.org
Sun Mar 19 16:30:10 UTC 2006

Public bug reported:

Affects: gedit (Ubuntu)
       Severity: Normal
       Priority: (none set)
         Status: Unconfirmed

In the Snippets Plugin "Snippet Manager" dialog you can only add new
snippets to languages that already have a system-wide snippets XML file.
For others, the GUI simply shows no change and the following appears on
the console:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/snippets/SnippetsDialog.py", line 431, in on_cell_edited
    snippet = self.new_snippet({'description': new_text})
  File "/usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/snippets/SnippetsDialog.py", line 359, in new_snippet
    self.language_path), properties)
  File "/usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/snippets/SnippetsLibrary.py", line 638, in new_snippet
    library = self.get_user_library(language)
  File "/usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/snippets/SnippetsLibrary.py", line 620, in get_user_library
    for library in self.libraries[language]:
KeyError: 'pascal'

I wrote a patch (attached) that changes the mentioned
"self.libraries[language]" to "self.libraries.get(language, [])". I
tested this patch and it works. I think this is probably a good
solution, however before I thought of this I created a patch that simply
adds snippets xml files for all languages (also attach), but I never
tested it.


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