[Bug 28939] logout applet is a not-so-good idea

Étienne Bersac bersace03 at free.fr
Wed Jan 18 23:48:04 UTC 2006

Public bug report changed:


Manu, you're right about the "random click". But where is the logout
button on Windows® ? in the "start menu" ! Where is it on Mac OS X ? on
the "Apple Menu" ! So is it really disturbing to have a logout button in
the "System menu" ?

Logout button is as easy as ever to find on ubuntu. Once the user found
it, it's done. Really, finding the logout button is not a problem.

> so it's not really questionnable :)
I wish I had read the desktop plan before :) And i wish this changes will be reverted like the switch to nautilus's spatial mode ;-)


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