[Bug 40259] Re: unrealistic shadows

Billy Cantrell bvcmdk at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 22 03:43:21 UTC 2006

Thought these were the original? (shadows)
I could be wrong but it sure looks like it to me, but I stopped following the project because of the bad shadows and broken freedesktop standard.

Like I said, I quickly did the above mods. I've since made them even more like the original. It's nice that so many people are not bothered by thes bad shadows, but they are also not bothered by bad gtk and metacity themes. Shall we include a few of those in ubuntu?

To get an outside, unbiased opinion, I asked 3 graphics/print/design professionals (I hit about 20 graphic businesses a day and worked in one for 3 years) today what they thought of tango/tangerine. Two laughed and one smerked. Two asked what was up with the shadows, one of them did so immediately. This was exactly what I thought would happen.

I then showed them my screenie posted above. They said they were much better, but still weak. This was exactly what I thought they'd say, based on my experience it is what i see as well.

I thought Jacob was helping you? I thought this was your project? It doesn't make a lot of diff to me as I prefer Human if I want orange. I just thought I give an themer's opinion to save embarrassment on linux/ubuntu. People say ...."oh it'll be compared to Vista" (don't even think of mac), but not at this slow rate, and excuses of incompetent tools and no free time from those that start a project. 

continue on if you find the time.....I'll stop wasting my mine here.


unrealistic shadows

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