[Bug 34644] Re: Thunar opens when I open a Place in the Places menu

Eric Feliksik milouny at gmx.net
Sat Apr 1 11:23:32 UTC 2006

Filing against nautilus because of proposal below:
On latest Dapper:
If I choose places>home, it's opened with nautilus
If I choose places>Desktop or places>albums (added that one myself in the gtk-fileopen-dialog on the left), it's opened with thunar. 

There are some other cases in which stuff is opened with thunar:
1) firefox download menu, right-click item, "Open containing folder"
2) beagle search, find a folder, open it

So this should be fixed in more than one place. Maybe all program's shouldn't choose a file-manager themselves, but a $DEFAULT_FILEMANAGER thing should be used instead (or some other mechanism, like /usr/bin/gnome-www-browser ) that points to nautilus when running gnome, and to thunar when running xfce. Of course it is still possible to run thunar under gnome, then. 

** Changed in: Ubuntu
Sourcepackagename: None => nautilus
Thunar opens when I open a Place in the Places menu

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