[Bug 17440] gnome-pilot-conduits: FTBFS (Build-Depends on imlib1-dev or gdk-imlib1-dev)

bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 10 09:16:48 UTC 2005

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Ubuntu | gnome-pilot-conduits

------- Additional Comments From debzilla at ubuntu.com  2005-10-10 10:16 UTC -------
Message-ID: <20051010083133.GB15917 at tennyson.dodds.net>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 01:31:33 -0700
From: Steve Langasek <vorlon at debian.org>
To: Thomas Bushnell BSG <tb at becket.net>,
	333017-maintonly at bugs.debian.org, 333018-maintonly at bugs.debian.org,
	333019-maintonly at bugs.debian.org, 333020-maintonly at bugs.debian.org,
	333021-maintonly at bugs.debian.org, 333022-maintonly at bugs.debian.org,
	333023-maintonly at bugs.debian.org, 333024-maintonly at bugs.debian.org,
	333025-maintonly at bugs.debian.org, 333026-maintonly at bugs.debian.org,
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	333029-maintonly at bugs.debian.org, 333030-maintonly at bugs.debian.org,
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Subject: Re: Bug#333017: amaya: FTBFS (Build-Depends on imlib1-dev or gdk-imlib1-dev)

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Please take it under advisement that I am currently trying to persuade
Thomas that the gdk-imlib11-dev and gdk-imlib11 packages should be abandoned
in favor of reintroduction of gdk-imlib1 and gdk-imlib1-dev as
libpng12-based packages.  I know a couple of you have already uploaded your
packages to fix these bugs, which if all goes according to plan means you
will have to *re*upload shortly to revert this change, sorry.  For the rest
of you, I would suggest that you hold off on implementing this change until
Thomas and I come to some sort of agreement.

One way or another, I do intend to reintroduce gdk-imlib1 and gdk-imlib1-dev
to etch based on libpng12-0, so unless your package depends on libpng10-0
directly, you shouldn't need to reupload your package for the png

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon at debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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