[ubuntu/cosmic-proposed] kicad 5.0.0+dfsg1-2 (Accepted)

Jeremy Bicha jeremy at bicha.net
Sat Sep 8 17:37:35 UTC 2018

kicad (5.0.0+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * [93df210] d/copyright: add info about appdata.xml
  * [0d2d642] d/kicad.install.in: also install file kicad.appdata.xml
  * [d93a835] rebuild patch queue from patch-queue branch (Closes: #905221)
    + added patches:
    + modified patch:
  * [60bb5ea] d/rules: remove the deletion of cvpcb.desktop
    + This desktop file was added by the patch queue but later deleted by
      debian/rules. As the patch queue was cleaned on this we don't need the
      deletion in debian/rules any more.
  * [d3f7c9d] d/rules: drop libs3d_plugin_oce library from dh_shlibdeps
    + Due the switch to the OCE suite we need to ensure dh_shlibdeps is also
      taking account into the library libs3d_plugin_oce while collecting the
      symbols from the needed libraries. Removing the libraries from the
    (Closes: #905605)
  * [9e823f6] d/control: mark kicad-libraries as Multi-Arch: foreign
  * [9f7234e] d/control: increase Standards-Version to 4.2.0
    + No further changes needed.

kicad (5.0.0+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * [ebb652c] New upstream version 5.0.0+dfsg1
    (Closes: #903992)
  * [92686c6] rebuild patch queue from patch-queue branch
    + removed patches:
      All patches are applied upstream.
  * [bc6a355] Revert "lintian-overrides: ignore some patch queue patches"
    + The lintian override isn't needed anymore due the changed patch queue.
  * [e900771] d/control: remove pandoc as B-D
    + For building the documentation the pandoc package isn't needed anymore.
  * [c1e20a2] d/README.Debian: extend some more thing for KiCad 5
    + Adding some more information about the changes which are introduced by
      the new KiCad major version.
  * [d74a414] d/kicad.NEWS: adding a NEWS information for kicad
    + Adding also a NEWS file for the kicad package so user get a more visible
      announcement about the changes that take also a notable effect on the user

kicad (5.0.0~rc3+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * [2c5ba31] d/control: adjust kicad-doc-de description
  * [54b0227] d/kicad-doc-de.doc-base: add new installed files
    + Refresh the entries about the German documentation files within the
      doc-base sequencer and also within the package description.
  * [35b0f9b] d/control: adjust kicad-doc-en description
    + Dito for the English documentation related files.
  * [aa6d6bb] d/control: adjust kicad-doc-ja description
  * [b90d73e] d/kicad-doc-ja.doc-base: add new installed files
    + And also for Japanese.
  * [8f20697] d/control: adjust kicad-doc-ru description
  * [a397cf7] d/kicad-doc-ru.doc-base: add new installed files
    + Also the Russian files did get some updates.
  * [d8c80e4] Adding entries and dh sequencer for Indonesian docu
    + The Indonesian documentation got extended and is now re-added.
  * [6f883c7] Adding entries and dh sequencer for Chinese docu
    + The Chinese documentation is new and added by this commit.
  * [e43e930] rebuild patch queue from patch-queue branch
    + Adding some patches about fixing spelling issues.
  * [c37d816] lintian-overrides: ignore some patch queue patches
  * [5fc6dfb] link README-bom.txt from /u/s/d/kicad
    + The Readme file about the *.txt, *.py and *.xsl files for the plugins
      is now placed within the /u/s/d/kicad folder but also linked within the
      plugin folder.
  * [4fddc71] d/kicad.install.in: fix install of 3d plugin
    + We dropped the 3D plugin installation by the last upload and 3D models
      aren't visible by this anymore. Corrected with this commit.
    (Closes: #903291)

kicad (5.0.0~rc3+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * [2500209] debian/watch: catch also RC versions correctly
    + The watch file didn't detected the RC versions correctly due missed
      usage of uversionmangle. Also switch to version 4.
  * [5365fcd] New upstream version 5.0.0~rc3+dfsg1
  * [1243924] rebuild patch queue from patch-queue branch
    + removed patch:
  * [72acf81] debian/control: adding B-D on texlive-lang-chinese
    + A basic translation to Chinese is now available from upstream that needs
      a extension of the Build-Depends field. The created Chinese
      documentation files will be added in a later version.
  * [cc1d3ad] debian/control: increase Standards-Version to 4.1.5
    + No further changes needed.
  * [59c6649] debian/kicad.install.in: adjust install folders
    + The content of the plugins folder is now correctly installed into
      /usr/share/kicad/plugins by upstream, adjust this in the sequencer file.
  * [458f26d] debian/copyright: small adjustment due upstream change

kicad (5.0.0~rc2+dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * [6a38e45] rebuild patch queue from patch-queue branch
    + added patch:
      Cherry-picked from the current upstream development to fix a segfault
      that was happen on i386 in the pcbnew application.
    (Closes: #896706)

kicad (5.0.0~rc2+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * rebuild for unstable
    (Closes: #897100)

kicad (5.0.0~rc2+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  * [3fedd8b] copyright: explain why we need to add 'dfsg' suffix
    + From the Debian POV KiCad isn't fully free as upstream is shipping
      currently two PDF files without the sources. But there won't be ever
      sources for these files available, the files in question are from
      UltraCAD Inc. and they never will release the source for rebuilding the
      PDF files. We have removed the files to comply with the DFSG and this
      fact is added to the copyright file.
  * [85fb53b] New upstream version 5.0.0~rc2+dfsg1
  * [98f1ced] rebuild patch queue from patch-queue branch
    + added patch:
    + removed patches (applied upstream):
  * [50740a0] Revert "d/control: Build-Depend on libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev"
    + The added build dependency on libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev was added to get
      KiCad build against GTK3+ bindings but KiCad isn't fully ready and
      prepared to use the GTK3+ stuff so we need to go back to libwxgtk3.0
      with binding of GTK2+.
  * [9fe8b7e] debian/rules: turn off support of SCRIPTING_WXPYTHON
    + The scripting support engine needs wxpython which is currently only
      available with GTK3+ bindings. So if we turn on scripting support we
      will get a reverse dependency on libwxgtk3.0-gtk3 through wxpython.
      This would result again in used GTK3+ symbols inside the KiCad binaries
      and bring back the issues we had.
    (Closes: #895801, #899215, #899216)
  * [65826c8] debian/control: increase Standards-Version to 4.1.4
    + No further changes needed.
  * [f8389c2] debian/control: adjust field Maintainer due domain change
    + The contact email address for the Debian Electronics Group has changed
      to pkg-electronics-devel at alioth-lists.debian.net.
  * [4251c7d] copyright: adopt upstream changes
    + Due the upstream changes to the source we need to adopt the copyright
  * [30f2e7a] README.Debian: adding hints about GTK3+ issues
    + Have a look into /us/s/d/k/README.Debian.gz to see some explanation why
      the kicad package isn't using GTK3+ bindings of wxWidgets.
  * [41c2de1] autopkg: adding again some auto testing stuff
    + Let's add again some automatic testing for the kicad package.

kicad (5.0.0~rc1+dfsg1+20180318-3) experimental; urgency=medium

  * [35b932c] kicad: adding versioned Depends for python-wxgtk3.0
    + To get sure users get a valid combination of python-wxgtk3.0 and
      libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-0v5 adding strict version dependency on python-wxgtk3.0.
  * [866cd63] d/README.Debian: update README file
    + Write down some additional information about the problems with the
      Modern Toolset in combination with Wayland that can happen. In some
      circumstances the usage of Pcbnew or Gerbview in a Wayland environment
      might cause crashes of KiCad or even the Wayland session.
  * [935f451] debian/rules: update the DEB_KICAD_CMAKE_OPTS variable
    + Enable the Python action plugin interface to see how this is going, we
      might see new problems related to the wxwidgets framework and GTK2/GTK3.

kicad (5.0.0~rc1+dfsg1+20180318-2) experimental; urgency=medium

  * [7364bba] rebuild patch queue from patch-queue branch
    + added patches:
  * [783a915] d/control: Build-Depend on libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev
    + The wxwidgets3.0 package has introduced dedicated packages for GTK3, using
      the new dev package on this so we get the correct GTK3 bindings.
    (Closes: #895008)
  * [756ff4d] debian/kicad.lintian-overrides: rework the entries

kicad (5.0.0~rc1+dfsg1+20180318-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  * [fcfaee0] kicad-demos: adjusting B+R against previous kicad{-common} pkg
    + Like for done for the virtual package kicad-libraries the package
      kicad-demos also need a valid Breaks and Replace against the now
      transitional package kicad-common so dpkg isn't complaining about files
       which appears to be within two different packages.
    (Closes: #892708)
  * [12fa90d] kicad-libraries: remove Recommends on kicad-common
    + Of course we won't recommending a now transitional package.
  * [08bc66e] New upstream version 5.0.0~rc1+dfsg1+20180318
  * [0a2d284] rebuild patch queue from patch-queue branch
    + removed patches (applied upstream)
  * [8cfc758] debian/control: limit build to amd64, arm64, armhf and i386
    + Unfortunately upstream is using a own libcontext implementation of
      boost::context. This is decreasing the platforms KiCad can be build
      on to i386, amd64, armhf and arm64.

kicad (5.0.0~rc1+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  * [ea0c219] override_dh_auto_install: use find/loop for chmod of files
    + The shell (on the buildd's) on kFreebSD doesn't support wildcards in make
      calls, but we can call chmod here within a 'for i in foo do' loop.
  * [0b28f22] kicad package dependencies, using Dia for visiulizing
    + Adding a graphic made with Dia which shows the correlation of the various
      package ecosystem of KiCad within Debian. We use this Dia graphic on the
      wiki site https://wiki.debian.org/KiCad
  * [5ed2d63] update of package relations
  * [446df3f] helper: remove obsolete libraries part
    + With KiCad 5 the libraries are now have their own source packages and we
      don't need to collect them in helper script inside stc:kicad any longer.
  * [6936336] make dpkg happy because previously added DIA binary file
    + The Dia file is a binary file for dpkg, adding this file to
      debian/source/include-binaries so dpkg does not complaining about the file.
  * [8726cae] d/gbp.conf: also remove the libraries component here
  * [919a5cc] New upstream version 5.0.0~rc1+dfsg1
    (Closes: #891286, #856277, #827203, #856180, #892161)
  * [956ed41] rebuild patch queue from patch-queue branch
    + removed patches (not needed anymore or fixed upstream):

    + modified patches:

    + new patches:

      All new patches are forwarded to upstream and already accepted.

  * [8e9d6c0] debian/control: adding new build dependencies
    + We need now some more packages to build all the binary kicad packages:
      fonts-freefont-ttf, libboost-test-dev, libglm-dev, liboce-foundation-dev,
  * [8234277] debian/rules: remove old libraries related stuff
    + We can remove the build specific things we previously have used to build
      the library package.
  * [430ec11] debian/control: adjust VCS entries to salsa.debian.org
  * [5c54b36] kicad-doc-id: remove package
    + Unfortunately the Indonesian documentation was removed by upstream because
      of lack of contributors.
  * [20044b2] kicad: change package to multiarch behaviour
    + The 3D viewer is build as a local shared library plugin and this requires
      some modification for the correct installation of the kicad package files.
  * [422a784] debian/rules: disable the support of ngspice based simulation
    + For the schematic simulation we would need the libngspice library which
      isn't available in main yet. We can turn this later on once ngspice-dfsg
      is hitting main.
  * [63a280f] copyright: adopt upstream changes
    + Of course the upstream source has been modified in many places and thus
      the update of the copyright file is needed.
  * [7729f4d] kicad-libraries: adding new virtual package
    + The old kicad-common package was used to provide all the various libraries
      like the schematic symbols, footprints and the 3D models.
      As we have moved all the source of theses stuff into own source packages
      we don't have kicad-common now any longer as a dedicated binary package.
      So we created a meta-packge kicad-libraries that is depending on the
      library packages for the schematic symbols (kicad-symbols), the footprints
      (kicad-footprints) and the project templates (kicad-templates) which
      kicad-common is depending on because we need to take care about the
      automatic installation of the new library packages.
      The 3D models is not depending on kicad-libraries as this is not really
      needed to create successful PCBs, it's suggested instead.
  * [0a8e611] kicad-common: turn package into a virtual package
  * [ebcd0cd] remove kicad-common sequencer files
  * [5739a23] d/kicad.install.in: update sequencer due upstream changes
    + kicad-common isn't a real binary package now and most of it's installation
      parts need now move over to the kicad binary package. Also KiCad is
      installing now some private libraries.
  * [600079f] kicad.lintian-overrides: add some more false positives
    + We have some spelling issues which are false positives, also the library
      libkicad_3dsg.so.2.0.0 isn't worth to get a own binary package.
  * [4773043] debian/control: increase Standards-Version to 4.1.3
    + No further changes are needed due version bump.
  * [c277cc5] kicad: remove a potentially RUNPATH from Pyhton2 lib
    + The library _pcbnew.so, which is also copied over to the Python libraries,
      has a RUNPATH inside which shouldn't be set here. Upstream will fix this
      in future releases.
  * [be3e60d] kicad-demos: adding new package
    + Beside the new schematic and footprint library related packages we also
      split off the demo projects, they doesn't change that often but Ubuntu
      is using already this package, so let's do it also and keep both
      distribution the packages in sync. This is mostly to make the usage of the
      PPA from Jean-Samuel esay for Ubuntu users.
  * [be54a40] bump debhelper compat to version 11
    + Jump over to the recent debhelper version, it's now already available for
      backports so nothing special handling later will be needed,
  * [2211a92] kicad: suggesting package kicad-packages3d
    (Closes: #883312)
  * [5403485] README.source: update information about source management
    + Remove the information about the libraries. We don't handle them any
      longer within src:kicad.
  * [a4d8f6a] autopkg: remove the only existing autopkgtest
    + We don't need the autopkg stuff for now, we can re-add it later if needed.

Date: 2018-08-20 22:31:36.126721+00:00
Signed-By: Jeremy Bicha <jeremy at bicha.net>
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