[ubuntu/cosmic-proposed] lintian 2.5.85 (Accepted)

Adam Conrad adconrad at 0c3.net
Tue May 8 09:15:46 UTC 2018

lintian (2.5.85) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Summary of tag changes:
    + Added:
      - ancient-python-version-field
      - changed-by-invalid-for-derivative
      - old-python-version-field
      - package-does-not-use-debhelper-or-cdbs

  * checks/{binaries,shared-libs.pm}:
    + [CL] Update shared object detection for file >= 5.33 as this version
      will identify shared objects as a "pie executable" or "shared object"
      depending on the file's executable bit.  Thanks to Paul Gevers, Doug
      Freed, Christoph Biedl & Mattia Rizzolo.  (Closes: #896840)
  * checks/changelog-file.pm:
    + [CL] Prevent false-positives in the non-consecutive-debian-revision
      and possible-new-upstream-release-without-new-version tags by
      skipping them if the source package was renamed.  Thanks to Andreas
      Beckmann for the report.  (Closes: #896675)
    + [CL] Include the offending version numbers in the output of the
      non-consecutive-debian-revision tag.
  * checks/cruft.pm:
    + [CL] Make the file-contains-trailing-whitespace tag also emit for
      whitespace at end of files.
    + [CL] Drop now-misleading comment regarding trailing whitespace
      filenames being relative.
    + [CL] Also allow /usr/share/doc/$pkg/examples to be a symlink when
      checking for packages that ship examples.  Thanks to Rafael
      Laboissière for the report.  (Closes: #897157)
  * checks/copyright-file.pm:
    + [CL] Disable the duplicate word "spelling" detection in copyright
      files to their extensive use of headings and other structures causing
      false positives.  Thanks, Stuart Prescott.  (Closes: #897402)
  * checks/debhelper.{pm,desc}:
    + [CL] Don't use $. out-of-context when reporting on dh --parallel.
    + [CL] Add a pedantic warning for packages that do not use debhelper or
      CDBS.  (Closes: #884499)
  * checks/description.pm:
    + [CL] Rework the description-synopsis-might-not-be-phrased-properly
      tag to ensure we do not cause false-positives for literal "e.g.",
      "eg.", ellipsis ("..."), "etc.", splitting out the tests to make
      it clearer and to catch some other corner cases.  Thanks to Andreas
      Beckmann for the detailed report.  (Closes: #896671)
    + [CL] Include the synopsis itself for context, etc. when emitting the
      description-synopsis-might-not-be-phrased-properly tag.
  * checks/fields.pm:
    + [CL] Correct a default-mta-dependency-not-listed-first false-
      positive where we incorrect emitted the tag for, e.g.
      "Depends: a, default-mta | b".  (Closes: #897166)
    + [CL] Fix orphaned-package-not-maintained-in-debian-infrastructure
      false positives for https://git.dgit.debian.org Vcs-* fields.
      Thanks to Thorsten Alteholz for the report.  (Closes: #897915)
  * checks/menus.pm:
    + [CL] Also look in a package's dependencies for files listed in a
      doc-base control file.  (Closes: #897244)
  * checks/patch-systems.pm:
    + [CL] Ignore templated ".in" files in debian/patches for the
      patch-file-present-but-not-mentioned-in-series tag.
  * checks/python.{desc,pm}:
    + [CL] Mark dependency-on-python-version-marked-for-end-of-life as
      "experimental" and with a "pedantic" severity, thus essentially
      hiding it from all Lintian users yet allowing us to continue to
      continue collect statistics and making it easier to re-introduce
      after the release of buster.  (Closes: #897213)
    + [CL] Migrate the malformed-python-version and
      python-version-current-is-deprecated tags from fields.pm, refactor
      to use $info->source_field over $info->field, include the
      offending field name in the output, and also warn about the Python
      3.x variant of this field.
    + [CL] Warn about ancient and old X-Python{,3}-Version fields.  Thanks
      to Scott Kitterman.  (Closes: #892304)
  * checks/watch-file.desc:
    + [CL] Update description of debian-watch-uses-insecure-uri to clarify
      what to do if there is currently no secure URI.  Thanks to Andreas
      Tille for the report.  (Closes: #897082)

  * collection/src-orig-index:
    + [CL] Pass --full-date to tar(1) to ensure that we get a consistent
      output in the presence of spaces in other fields.  (Closes: #897248)
    + [CL] Pass --utc to tar(1) to ensure reproducible date parsing.

  * data/java/constants:
    + [CL] Apply patches from Bas Couwenberg to update the bytecode checks
      for OpenJDK 10 add bytecode number for OpenJDK 11.  (Closes: #897424)
  * data/fields/perl-provides:
    + [CL] Update for Perl 5.026002.
  * data/files/python-generic-modules:
    + [CL] Add "scripts" and "script" to the list of overly generic Python
      module names.  Thanks, Andreas Beckmann.  (Closes: #897692)
  * data/spelling/corrections:
    + [CL] Add a "CBDS" → "CDBS" correction.
    + [CL] Add a "DSFG" → "DFSG" correction.
    + [PW] Add a number of corrections.

  * doc/releases.md:
    + [CL] Clarify that we should add an extra bit of whitespace for
      annotated release tags.

  * lib/Lintian/Check.pm:
    + [CL] Add support for derivative-specific "Changed-By" validation to
      enforce additional restrictions on the uploader.
  * lib/Lintian/Collect/Package.pm:
    + [CL] croak() a meaningful message we cannot parse an index data line.

  * t/tests/*:
    + [CL] Apply patch from Adam Conrad adding "-Wl,--no-as-needed" to fix
      testsuite failures with Ubuntu's ld(1).  (Closes: #897639)
    + [CL] Correct the "files-" (should be "fields-") prefix of the
      files-orphaned-package-not-maintained-in-debian-infrastructure test.

  * vendors/ubuntu/main/data/changes-file/known-dists:
    + [CL] Apply patch from Adam Conrad to add cosmic as a known Ubuntu
      distribution.  (Closes: #897638)

Date: 2018-05-06 04:31:37.599567+00:00
Signed-By: Adam Conrad <adconrad at 0c3.net>
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