Language-conversion bug in Loco Community Portal?

A. Richard Miller TheMillers at
Tue Mar 28 12:43:53 UTC 2017


Today, I accessed the Loco Community Portal - in English, as always. 
Then, I switched to Esperanto, and that worked. No problemo.

But *switching back fails*. Each time I try, I briefly see the Portal in 
English, but it flicks back to Esperanto!

Best wishes from
--Dick Miller, Partner, MMS <TheMillers at 
<mailto:TheMillers at>>
	Co-Leader, FOSS User Group at Natick Community-Senior Center 

*| A. Richard & Jill A. Miller            | MILLER MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES |
| Mailto:TheMillers at      | 61 Lake Shore Road            |
| Web:       | Natick, MA 01760-2099, USA    |
| Voice: 508/653-6136, 9AM-9PM -0400(EDT)| NMEA N 42.29993°, W 71.36558° |*

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