[ubuntu-cloud-archive/cloud-tools-updates] golang (Accepted)

Scott Moser smoser at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 15 16:33:59 UTC 2014

 golang (2:1.2.1-2ubuntu1~ctools0) precise; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
 golang (2:1.2.1-2ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low
   * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
     - 016-armhf-elf-header.patch: Use correct ELF header for armhf binaries.
     - Support co-installability with gccgo-go tool:
       - d/rules,golang-go.install: Rename bin/go -> bin/golang-go
       - d/golang-go.{postinst,prerm}: Install/remove /usr/bin/go using
     - Fixes from golang trunk for better gccgo support (LP: #1271335):
       - d/p/issue27650045_40001_50001.diff:
         cmd/go: test: do not put object files where later steps will find them
       - d/p/issue28050043_60001_70001.diff:
         cmd/go: When linking with gccgo pass .a files in the order they are
       - d/p/issue54790044_100001_110001.diff:
         cmd/go: do not require a valid archChar when using -compiler gccgo
     - d/copyright: Amendments for full compiliance with copyright format.
     - d/control: Demote golang-go.tools to Suggests to support Ubuntu MIR.
 golang (2:1.2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Re-apply debian/patches/add-tar-xattr-support.patch which got lost when
     uploading 1.2.1-1; sorry about that.
 golang (2:1.2.1-1ubuntu2) trusty; urgency=medium
   * d/control: Demote golang-go.tools to Suggests to support Ubuntu MIR.
 golang (2:1.2.1-1ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
     - 016-armhf-elf-header.patch: Use correct ELF header for armhf binaries.
     - Support co-installability with gccgo-go tool:
       - d/rules,golang-go.install: Rename bin/go -> bin/golang-go
       - d/golang-go.{postinst,prerm}: Install/remove /usr/bin/go using
     - Fixes from golang trunk for better gccgo support (LP: #1271335):
       - d/p/issue27650045_40001_50001.diff:
         cmd/go: test: do not put object files where later steps will find them
       - d/p/issue28050043_60001_70001.diff:
         cmd/go: When linking with gccgo pass .a files in the order they are
       - d/p/issue54790044_100001_110001.diff:
         cmd/go: do not require a valid archChar when using -compiler gccgo
     - d/copyright: Amendments for full compiliance with copyright format.
 golang (2:1.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
 golang (2:1.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * add debian/patches/add-tar-xattr-support.patch to have xattr support in
     tar (cherry-picked from upstream) (Thanks proppy) (Closes: #739586)
 golang (2:1.2-2ubuntu3) trusty; urgency=medium
   * d/copyright: Drop incorrect Comment block in headers.

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:33:05 -0400
Changed-By: Scott Moser <smoser at ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Scott Moser <smoser at ubuntu.com> 
Published-By: Scott Moser <smoser at ubuntu.com>

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