[ubuntu-cloud-archive/rocky-proposed] ryu (Accepted)

Corey Bryant corey.bryant at canonical.com
Tue May 15 13:10:57 UTC 2018

 ryu (4.24+dfsg1-4ubuntu1~cloud0) bionic-rocky; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
 ryu (4.24+dfsg1-4ubuntu1) cosmic; urgency=low
   * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
     - d/control: Drop python-pip from (Build-)Depends.
     - d/gbp.conf: Retain pristine-tar version of gbp config.
     - d/p/no-pip.patch: Retain patch to disable use of pip.
     - d/p/remove-failing-test.patch: Dropped. Not needed since we have
   * New upstream release.
     - d/p/remove-test-requirements-units.patch: Rebased.
     - d/p/no-pip.patch: Dropped. No longer needed.
 ryu (4.21+dfsg1-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Fixed Python 3 shebang.
 ryu (4.21+dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Uploading to unstable.
 ryu (4.21+dfsg1-2) experimental; urgency=medium
   * Add python-pip and python-tinyrpc as runtime depends.
 ryu (4.21+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=medium
   [ Ondej Nov ]
   * d/control: Set Vcs-* to salsa.debian.org
   * Running wrap-and-sort -bast
   [ Thomas Goirand ]
   * New upstream release.
   * Rebased remove-test-requirements-units.patch.
   * Remove test: test_0_call_bytearray(), failing for an unknown reason.
   * Fixed debian/copyright (removed some files which are gone upstream).
 ryu (4.15+dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Sets http_proxy= https_proxy=  when running tests,
     to make sure we don't have network when running tests.
   * Add remove-test-requirements-units.patch to not access network during run
     of unit tests. (Closes: #880863)
   * Removed build-depends on dh-systemd.
   * Removed duplicate build-depends on python-sphinx-rtd-theme.
   * Standards-Version is now 4.1.1.
   * Deprecating priority extra as per policy 4.0.1.
   * Now support <!nocheck> and <!nodoc> build profiles.
 ryu (4.15+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Uploading to unstable.
 ryu (4.15+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=medium
   [ James Page ]
   * Add python3 support, default ryu-bin to python3:
     - d/p/py3-compat.patch: Python3 compatibility for ovs contrib module.
     - d/control,rules: Add python3-ryu package with alternatives
       configuration for ryu and ryu-manager.
     - d/control: Prefer python3-ryu for ryu-bin package.
   * d/control,ryu-bin.postinst,ryu-bin.ryu.init.in: Run ryu daemon as
     ryu user instead of root.
   * d/python3-ryu.postinst: Prefer Python 3 binaries if both python
     module versions are installed.
   * d/rules: Tidy package clean.
   [ Daniel Baumann ]
   * Updating vcs fields.
   * Updating copyright format url.
   * Updating maintainer field.
   * Running wrap-and-sort -bast.
   * Updating standards version to 4.0.0.
   * Removing gbp.conf, not used anymore or should be specified in the
     developers dotfiles.
   * Correcting permissions in debian packaging files.
   * Updating standards version to 4.0.1.
   * Updating standards version to 4.1.0.
   [ Thomas Goirand ]
   * New upstream release.
   * Test with all versions of Python 3.
   * Fixed priority to extra, as the policy deprecates optional.
   * Rewrote ryu-bin.postinst to use pkgos postinst functions.
   * Removed py3 patches applied upstream.
   * Added python{3,}-{pip,tinyrpc,openvswitch} as build-depends.

Date: Wed, 09 May 2018 17:10:51 +0000
Changed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot <openstack-testing-bot at ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Published-By: Corey Bryant <corey.bryant at canonical.com>

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