[ubuntu-cloud-archive/mitaka-proposed] pylint (Accepted)

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 7 12:18:51 UTC 2016

 pylint (1.5.2-1ubuntu1~cloud0) trusty-mitaka; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
 pylint (1.5.2-1ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=low
   * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
     - Build-Depend on python-all.
 pylint (1.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release; Closes: #790905
   * debian/control
     - bump versioned depends of python-astroid to 1.4.1
     - drop deps on logilab-common, it is no longer required
   * debian/copyright
     - extend packaging copyright years
     - update for new upstream code
   * Fix build with multiple supported Python versions; patch by Dmitry Shachnev;
     Closes: #802126
   * debian/rules
     - install README.rst (README was renamed)
     - adapt unittests execution to new upstream code
   * debian/pylint.emacsen-startup
     - autoload key-bindings and menu-items; patch by Aaron M. Ucko;
       Closes: #799728

Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2016 22:04:18 +0000
Changed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot <openstack-testing-bot at ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Published-By: James Page <james.page at ubuntu.com>

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