[ubuntu-cloud-archive/liberty-proposed] unittest2 (Accepted)

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 15 19:38:37 UTC 2015

 unittest2 (0.8.0-1ubuntu1~cloud0) trusty-liberty; urgency=medium
   * New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
 unittest2 (0.8.0-1ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
   * Add Python 3 support:
     - d/control: Add python3-unittest2 binary package, update BD's.
     - d/rules: Ensure unit2 binaries are prefixed with python version.
     - d/*.postinst,prerm: Use alternatives for /usr/bin/unit2.
     - d/p/drop-argparse.patch: Drop argparse from list of dependencies,
       its not required and confuses the Python 3 tests.
   * d/source/options: Ignore any egg related changes, making package
     build more reproducable.
   * Wrap and sort.
 unittest2 (0.8.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * Team upload.
   [ Jakub Wilk ]
   * Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.
   * Run tests only if DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck is not set.
   [ Sandro Tosi ]
   * Switch to dh_python2
   * debian/control
     - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed)
   * debian/copyright
     - switch to DEP-5 format
   [ Zygmunt Krynicki ]
   * Update debian/watch to use pypi redirector
   * Use wrap-and-sort on everything
   * New upstream release
   * Port to pybuild
   * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (no change required)
   * Correct debian/copyright license on setup.py (BSD-3-clause)
   * Correct debian/copyright license on unittest2 (Python)
   * Update debian/copyright with my changes to debian/*
   * Add missing dependency on python-pkg-resources (for unit2 executable)
   * Add autopackage tests
   * Add a simple manual page for unit2(1)
   * Move DPMT to Maintainers and set myself as uploader

Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 11:01:29 +0000
Changed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot <openstack-testing-bot at ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Published-By: James Page <james.page at ubuntu.com>

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