[ubuntu-cloud-archive/kilo-proposed] python-testtools (Accepted)

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 14 12:20:53 UTC 2015

 python-testtools (0.9.39-1~cloud0) trusty-kilo; urgency=medium
   * New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
 python-testtools (0.9.39-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
   * Don't install empty placeholder file; fixes lintian warning.
   [ Martin Pitt ]
   * Semi-DPMT team member upload with Robert's permission.
   * New upstream release.
   * Suggest -doc package (Closes: #740571)
 python-testtools (0.9.35-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Re-add myself to uploaders.
   * Add basic autopkgtest tests.
 python-testtools (0.9.35-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
   * Remove myself from uploaders.
   [ Thomas Goirand ]
   * New upstream release.
   * Standards-Version: is now 3.9.5.
   * Do not remove testtools.egg-info, add extend-diff-ignore =
     "^[^/]*[.]egg-info/" in debian/source/options.
   * Fixes the way the sphinx doc is built, and now using a specific and
     separate doc package to store the documentation: do not use the "make doc"
     and call sphinx directly.
   * Removed useless dh_auto_build override.
   * Added python-mimeparse, python3-mimeparse, python-testresources (>= 0.2.7)
     as build-depends.
   * Ran wrap-and-sort.
 python-testtools (0.9.32-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added missing python-mimeparse build-depends.
 python-testtools (0.9.32-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
 python-testtools (0.9.29-3) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Jakub Wilk ]
   * Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.
   [ Thomas Goirand ]
   * Uploading to unstable.
 python-testtools (0.9.29-2) experimental; urgency=low
   * Added missing build-depends: python3-setuptools, python-setuptools and
   * Build-depends: python-fixtures must be >= 0.3.12~
 python-testtools (0.9.29-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   * Rewrote debian/copyright using parsable format 1.0.
   * Now using source format 3.0 (quilt).
   * Standard-Version is now 3.9.4.
   * Compat and debhelper are now 9.
   * X-Python-Version: >= 2.6 instead of 2.5.
   * Removes embedded version of jquery.js and underscore.js, and recommends
     corresponding Debian packages.
   * Sets the Debian Python Modules Team as new Maintainer:, switches the VCS
     field to the SVN of the team, removed debian/bzr-builddeb.conf.
   * Added minor changes in long and short descriptions (so that python 2 and 3
     modules don't have the same descriptions).
   * The watch file now uses tags from github.
   * Cleans now does rm -rf build testtools.egg-info doc/_build.
   * Added doc-base registration.
 python-testtools (0.9.21-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
 python-testtools (0.9.14-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add python3-testtools package.
   * Migrate to debhelper 7, for easier packaging for Python3.
 python-testtools (0.9.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add watch file.
   * New upstream release.
    + Now uses super to call setUp()/tearDown() for compatibility with
      multiple inheritance and Python 2.7. LP: #771508
   * Add myself to uploaders.
   * Bump standards version to 3.9.3 (no changes).
   * Add Vcs-Bzr header. Closes: #574603
   * Migrate to dh_python2. Closes: #617036
   * Only install for Python 2.5 and later. LP: #847827
   * Run testsuite during package build.

Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:22:20 -0500
Changed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot <openstack-testing-bot at ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Published-By: James Page <james.page at ubuntu.com>

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