[ubuntu-cloud-archive/juno-proposed] horizon (Accepted)

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 26 08:04:50 UTC 2014

 horizon (1:2014.2~b2-0ubuntu1~cloud0) trusty-juno; urgency=medium
   * New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
 horizon (1:2014.2~b2-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/patches/ubuntu_settings.patch: Refresed
   * debian/patches/fix-dashboard-manage.patch: Refreshed
   * debian/patches/fix-dashboard-django-wsgi.patch: Refreshed
 horizon (1:2014.2~b1-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/control: Open up juno release
 horizon (1:2014.1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release (LP: #1288245).
 horizon (1:2014.1~rc2-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release candidate (LP: #1288245).
     - d/static/*: Refreshed assets for new upstream release.
 horizon (1:2014.1~rc1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release candidate (LP: #1288245).
     - d/static/*: Refreshed assets for new upstream release.
   * d/theme/*: Refresh Ubuntu theme against Icehouse templates (LP: #1291653).
 horizon (1:2014.1~b3-0ubuntu2) trusty; urgency=medium
   * Ensure correct URL is used for logout/timeout (LP: #1243187):
     - d/p/ubuntu_settings.patch: Update LOGOUT_URL for /horizon prefix.
   * Ensure Apache configuration is backwards compatible with Apache 2.2
     (LP: #1292577):
     - d/openstack-dashboard.conf: Revert changes from 1:2014.1~b2-0ubuntu2.
 horizon (1:2014.1~b3-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * New upstream milestone release.
   * d/static/*: Refreshed assets for new upstream release.
 horizon (1:2014.1~b2-0ubuntu2) trusty; urgency=medium
   * d/rules: Drop override of dh_auto_clean, not required.
   * d/rules,openstack-dashboard.install: Detect and use default python
     version when creating symlink from openstack-dashboard -> horizon.
   * d/*: Tidy surplus execute bits on numerous files.
   * d/openstack-dashboard.conf: Update for Apache 2.4 stanza's.
   * d/rules: Skip tests as they don't run and results where being ignored.
   * d/control: python-django-openstack - update description, move to section
     oldlibs for transitional packages.
   * d/*: Wrap-and-sort.
   * d/control: Drop BD on python-d2to1, merged into python-pbr.
 horizon (1:2014.1~b2-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-tests.patch: Dropped.
   * deban/patches/ubuntu-settings.patch: Refreshed
   [ James Page ]
   * debian/static: Refresh assets.
 horizon (1:2014.1~b1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/control: open icehouse release.
   * debian/static/openstack-dashboard: Refreshed static assets.
 horizon (1:2013.2-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release (LP: #1236462).
 horizon (1:2013.2~rc3-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release candidate (LP: #1240665).
 horizon (1:2013.2~rc2-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release candidate. (#1239156)
   * debian/README.compression: Updated documenation on how to
     refresh the static assets.
 horizon (1:2013.2~rc1-0ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low
   * d/theme/css/ubuntu.css: Refresh Ubuntu theme against new Havana
     stylesheets, fixing network and chart layouts (LP: #1235249).
   * d/openstack-dashboard.postinst: Allow horizon user to read and
     write data in /var/lib/openstack-dashboard inline with user and
     group permissions set in Apache configuration.
 horizon (1:2013.2~rc1-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   [ James Page ]
   * New upstream release candidate:
     - d/static: Refreshed static assets for 2013.2~rc1.
     - d/patches: Refreshed patches.
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * debian/control: Add python-lesscpy as a suggests to optionally
     support online compression of static assets (LP: #1226674).
 horizon (1:2013.2~b3-0ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low
   * Don't use /etc/openstack-dashboard for in-process generated data
     (LP: #1233752):
     - d/openstack-dashboard.{dirs,postinst}:
       + Create /var/lib/openstack-dashboard with restricted permissions,
         allowing www-data user to write a secret_key if need be.
       + Move /etc/openstack-dashboard/secret_key to correct location if
         it already exists.
     - d/p/ubuntu_settings.patch: Use /var/lib/openstack-dashboard for
       secret key storage instead of /etc/openstack-dashboard.
 horizon (1:2013.2~b3-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/control: Minimum python-openstack-auth version >= 1.1.1.
   * debian/control: Add python-troveclient.
   * debian/static: Refresh static assets for 2013.2~b3.
   * debian/patches: ubuntu_local_settings.patch -> ubuntu_settings.patch, also
     patch location of secret key in openstack_dashboard/settings.py
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu6) saucy; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.py: Set flexible
     default for ALLOWED_HOSTS that should be changed for production
     deployments (LP: #1214982).
   * Fix (LP: #1216019):
     - debian/openstack-dashboard.{postinst, postrm}: Add/remove horizon
       user.  Ensure /etc/openstack-dashbard ownership.
     - debian/openstack-dashboard.conf: Run WSGIDaemonProcess as user
       horizon, set WSGIProcessGroup to horizon.
     - debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.py: Generate and load secret
       key from /etc/openstack-dashboard/secret_key.
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu5) saucy; urgency=low
   * d/static/*: Refresh static assets for 2013.2~b2.
   * d/rules: Tweak helper for refreshing static assets to link
     local_settings.py correctly.
   * d/openstack-dashboard.p*: Fix typo in configuration file name,
     ensure consistent use of tabs/spaces.
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu4) saucy; urgency=low
   * Update for apache 2.4, preserve 2.2 compatability. (LP: #1218535)
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu3) saucy; urgency=low
   * debian/rules: Don't remove egg information while cleaning.
     (LP: #1210253)
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low
   * debian/control: Fix typo in depends.
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   [ James Page ]
   * d/control: Update VCS fields for new branch locations.
   * Automate refresh of static assets:
     - d/rules: Added refresh-static-assets helper target.
     - d/README.compression: Updated for new process.
   * d/static/*: Refreshed static assets.
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream release
   * debian/control:
     - Add python-ceilometerclient
     - Add python-heatclient
     - Renamed python-quantumclient to python-neturonclient.
   * debian/curles: Removed instances of quantum since its cruft
     that we dont need anymore.
 horizon (1:2013.2~b1-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.patch: Refreshed
   * debian/control: Add python-pbr and python-d2to1.
 horizon (1:2013.1-0ubuntu3) raring; urgency=low
   * Re-sync Ubuntu theme with upstream changes, fixing instance network
     selection dialog and network topology screens (LP: #1157918).
 horizon (1:2013.1-0ubuntu2) raring; urgency=low
   * Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for
     offline compression.
 horizon (1:2013.1-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
 horizon (1:2013.1~rc2-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
 horizon (1:2013.1~rc1-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
   [ James Page ]
   * New upstream release candidate for Grizzly:
     - Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for
       offline compression.
   * d/watch: Update uversionmangle to deal with upstream versioning
     changes, remove tarballs.openstack.org.
   * d/control: Version python-compressor >= 1.2 (LP: #1130610).
   [ Adam Gandelman ]
   * debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.py: Refresh, specify memcache
     location as part of CACHES, as per upstream changes to example config.
 horizon (2013.1.g3-0ubuntu2) raring; urgency=low
   * Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for offline
 horizon (2013.1.g3-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
   [ James Page ]
   * Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for offline
     compression in preparation for Grizzly-3.
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New usptream release.
 horizon (2013.1~g2-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
   [ Adam Gandelman ]
   * Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for offline
     compression in preparation for Grizzly-2.
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream release.
 horizon (2013.1~g1-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
   [ Adam Gandelman ]
   * debian/patches/add_juju_settings_pannel.patch: Disable during
     Grizzly dev. cycle.
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream relase.
   * Refreshed patches.
 horizon (2012.2-0ubuntu2) quantal; urgency=low
   * debian/control: Set strict version requirements between python-django-horizon,
     openstack-dashboard, and openstack-ubuntu-theme. (LP: #1061961)
   * debian/theme/css/ubuntu.css: Refreshed against Folsom. (LP: #1064420)
   * debian/patches/add_juju_panel.patch: Update and refresh for Folsom
     compatability. (LP: #1064605)
   * debian/patches/allow_alternate_css.patch: Remove unapplied, obsolete
 horizon (2012.2-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
 horizon (2012.2~rc2-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
   [ Adam Gandelman ]
   * Re-enable openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme.
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream release
 horizon (2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
   [ Adam Gandelman ]
   * debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.patch: Squash all patches that
     touch local_settings.py.example into one.
   * Drop node-less dependency (LP: #1024326).
       - debian/static/openstack-dashboard: Pre-compressed and compiled JS, CSS
         and compressor manifest.json.
       - debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.patch: Set COMPRESS_OFFLINE=True
         to enable offline compression and pre-compressed static files by
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream release
 horizon (2012.2~rc1~20120904.2043-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
   [ Adam Gandelman ]
   * debian/patches/fix-coverage-binary-name.patch: Drop, merge into
   * debian/patches/set_login_redirects.patch: Configure login URLs in
     local_settings.py according to the default apache configuration
     installed. (LP: #1037349)
   * debian/patches/fix-dashboard-manage.patch: Refresh.
   [ Soren Hansen ]
   * Update debian/watch to account for symbolically named tarballs and
     use newer URL.
   * Fix Launchpad URLs in debian/watch.
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream version
 horizon (2012.2~f3-0ubuntu2) quantal; urgency=low
   * Depend on python-openstack-auth rather than on the removed
 horizon (2012.2~f3-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-tests.patch: Fix test suites again to
     run during the builds.
   * debian/watch: Update.
   * debian/control: Add python-glanceclient. (LP: #1030911)
   * debian/openstack-dashboard.conf: Don't hijack apache's webroot. (LP:
   * debian/control: Update horizon deps to reflect reality.
   [ Adam Gandelman ]
   * debian/control: Bump required python-django version to 1.4.
   * wrap-and-sort.
   * Fix (LP: #1036571):
       - debian/rules, openstack-dashboard.{links, dirs, postinst}: Add required
         symlinks and directories to allow Horizon to function with the packaged
       - debian/control: Add python-{cinder, swift, quantum}client,
         python-django-openstack-auth, python-netaddr, python-compressor, lessc.
   * debian/rules: Improve dh_auto_clean.
 horizon (2012.2~f2-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
   * New usptream version.
 horizon (2012.2~f2~20120622.1833-0ubuntu2) quantal; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/{use-memcache.patch, turn-off-debug.patch}: Refresh.
 horizon (2012.2~f2~20120622.1833-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream version.
   * debian/copyright: Fix lintian warnings.
   [ Adam Gandelman ]
   * Disabled during Folsom dev cycle, to be refreshed against first Folsom RC:
     - debian/patches/add_juju_settings_panel.patch
     - debian/patches/allow_alternate_css.patch
   * debian/patches/fix-coverage-binary-name.patch: Refreshed.
   * debian/patches/turn-off-debug.patch: Refreshed.
 horizon (2012.2~f2~20120530.1777-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/patches/add_juju_settings_panel.patch: Refreshed
   * debian/patches/turn-off-debug.patch: Refreshed
 horizon (2012.2~f1-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
   * New usptream release.
   * Prepare for quantal:
     - debian/patches/fix-coverage-binary-name.patch: Refreshed.
   * Temporarily pass the testsuite.

Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:13:06 -0400
Changed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot <openstack-testing-bot at ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Published-By: James Page <james.page at ubuntu.com>

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