[ubuntu-cloud-archive/icehouse-proposed] nova (Accepted)

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Sat Jun 28 11:09:42 UTC 2014

 nova (1:2014.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0) precise-icehouse; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
 nova (1:2014.1.1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * Resynchronize with stable/icehouse (867341f) (LP: #1328134):
     - [867341f] Fix security group race condition while listing and deleting rules
     - [ffcb176] VMware: ensure rescue instance is deleted when instance is deleted
     - [fe4fe70] VMware: Log additional details of suds faults
     - [43f0437] Add info_cache as expected attribute when evacuate instance
     - [a2da9ce] VMware: uncaught exception during snapshot deletion
     - [1a45944] Catch InstanceNotFound exception if migration fails
     - [ee374f1] Do not wait for neutron event if not powering on libvirt domain
     - [705ad64] Reap child processes gracefully if greenlet thread gets killed
     - [f769bf8] Fixes arguments parsing when executing command
     - [bedb66f] Use one query instead of two for quota_usages
     - [422decd] VMWare - Check for compute node before triggering destroy
     - [6629116] Use debug level logging in unit tests, but don't save them.
     - [088b718] support local debug logging
     - [080f785] Revert "Use debug level logging during unit tests"
     - [fb03028] VMWare: add power off vm before detach disk during unrescue
     - [d93427a] Check for None or timestamp in availability zone api sample
     - [f5c3330f] Pass configured auth strategy to neutronclient
     - [74d1043] remove unneeded call to network_api on rebuild_instance
     - [f1fdb3c] Remove unnecessary call to fetch info_cache
     - [395ec82] Remove metadata's network-api dependence on the database
     - [a48d268] InvalidCPUInfo exception added to except block
     - [77392a9] Moved the registration of lifecycle event handler in init_host()
     - [40ae1ee] Fix display of server group members
     - [66c7ca1] Change errors_out_migration decorator to work with RPC
     - [e1e140b] Don't explode if we fail to unplug VIFs after a failed boot
     - [c816488] Remove unneeded call to fetch network info on shutdown
     - [7f9f3ef] Don't overwrite instance object with dict in _init_instance()
     - [2728f1e] Fix bug detach volume fails with "KeyError" in EC2
    * debian/patches/libvirt-Handle-unsupported-host-capabilities.patch: Fix exception
      when starting LXC containers. (LP: #1297962)

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:32:44 -0400
Changed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot <openstack-testing-bot at ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Published-By: James Page <james.page at ubuntu.com>

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