New release of Checkbox available in Testing PPA and beta Snap channel!

Massimiliano Girardi massimiliano.girardi at
Fri Oct 27 12:49:33 UTC 2023

Hello all!

Checkbox v3.0.0 is available as Debian package (in the Testing PPA
<>) and snaps
(in the beta channel)! We have made several modifications to checkbox in
this last period, most notably we have completely overhauled the naming of
Checkbox remote to make it more inclusive (code-wise) and clearer
(user-wise). You are going to receive a warning from Checkbox in case you
use the old nomenclature but let me introduce the new one here for you:


   Agent is the side of Checkbox remote that runs on the system under test.
   It was called service previously. The agent will be automatically started
   from the snap as it was before, if you want to start it manually you can do
   so by running checkbox.checkbox-cli run-agent

   Controller is the side of Checkbox remote that controls the agent,
   selecting which tests to run and displaying the output in your terminal. It
   was called remote previously. The controller can be started running
   control $AGENT_IP.

⚠️ ⚠️ Breaking Changes ⚠️ ⚠️

With this version comes one breaking change. If you upgrade to this version
you will not be able to resume a remote session that was started before
2022-04-14. If for whatever reason you need to recover some of these old
sessions, reach out! You can find us on Mattermost
<> or on Discourse
Highlights of this release:

Changes in providers:


   Zapper-based keyboard test by @p-gentili

   Added zapper-automated testplan to SRU by @p-gentili

   Snaps confinement test by @patliuu

   The tool was updated pulling the new ADL-N production key
   by @xanthein

   New audio resources fixing the missing audio device on RPi4 by @diohe0311

   Adding additional support for Bergamo cpuid by @mreed8855

   Fixed cpu_id now no longer case sensitive by @mreed8855



   fwts version in runtime snaps by @Hook25

   Add launcher argument to check_config subcommand by @Hook25

   Add checkbox-provider-gpgpu as recommends for
   checkbox-provider-certification-server by @bladernr

Notable bug fixes:


   Re-delete the apste_support job from the server-disk test plan after it
   by @bladernr

   Changed pyotherside to qml-module-io-thp-pyotherside by @Hook25

   Improved error of handling of the Checkbox config parser by @Hook25

   Remove fan stress test from test plan by @diohe0311

   Return a "1" return code on job crashes by @kissiel

   Fix the race condition when resuming via remote by @kissiel

   Support multi-planar camera capability by @baconYao

   udevadm: recognize 8086:a780 as a VIDEO device by @Saviq

   Read ubuntu_dist_channel first then media-info by @cyruslien

   Install and require cuda-toolkit metapackage instead of the cuda
   metapackage by @bladernr


Debian packages (Testing PPA)

Information about the packages is available at:

To enable the PPA and install the required packages, run these commands in

a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:checkbox-dev/testing

sudo apt install checkbox-ng checkbox-provider-resource



Snap (Beta channel)

On Ubuntu Core, these Checkbox content snaps are automatically installed by

all the checkbox-<project> or the checkbox snaps thanks to the content


On other platforms, you will have to install them manually before

installing the checkbox-<project> or the checkbox snaps.

Please note that the checkbox snap comes for many different versions of

Ubuntu. Check the output of snap info checkbox to see what channel to use.

When used on the desktop, checkbox is provided as a classic snap, so it has

to be installed with the --classic argument. The default checkbox snap

points to the one for 22.04 desktop, so if you are running a 22.04 desktop,

you just have to:

snap install checkbox[16..22] --beta

snap install checkbox --beta --classic

But if, for instance, you're using Ubuntu 20.04, you will have to type:

snap install checkbox --channel=20.04/beta --classic
What's changed:

Breaking Changes:


   Checkbox rename outdated nomenclature (agent, controller) (Breaking) by
   @Hook25 in #747

New Features:


   Zapper keyboard test (New) by @p-gentili in #707

   Upgrade fwts version in runtime snaps (New) by @Hook25 in #739

   Add ADL-N production key (new) by @xanthein in #740

   Add launcher cli arg to check_config (New) by @Hook25 in #757

   Checkbox 691/missing audio device (New) by @diohe0311 in #622

   Added zapper-automated testplan to SRU (New) by @p-gentili in #764

   Add checkbox-provider-gpgpu as recommends for
   checkbox-provider-certification-server (new) by @bladernr in #744

   Add missing header to (New) by @yphus in #793

Bug Fixes:


   Fix for issue #648 by @mreed8855 in #660

   Fix clocktest.c compile warning and add more error handling (BugFix) by
   @hanhsuan in #696

   Re-delete the apste_support job from the server-disk test plan after it
   (BugFix) by @bladernr in #699

   Fix a few typos by @dannf in #690

   Changed pyotherside to qml-module-io-thp-pyotherside (bugfix) by @Hook25
   in #742

   Catch error of kind/type parsers and not crash (Bugfix) by @Hook25 in

   fix a typo in (BugFix) by @diohe0311 in #761

   Remove fan stress test from test plan(BugFix) by @diohe0311 in #763

   return a "1" return code on job crashes (BugFix) by @kissiel in #703

   Fix UnboundLocalError in (bugfix) by @Hook25 in #769

   fix reboot metabox scenario (BugFix) by @kissiel in #768

   Fix the race condition when resuming via remote (BugFix) by @kissiel in

   Support multi-planar camera capability (Bugfix) by @baconYao in #721

   udevadm: recognize 8086:a780 as a VIDEO device (BugFix) by @Saviq in #758

   Change: read ubuntu_dist_channel first then media-info (#754) (BugFix)
   by @cyruslien in #756

   Install and require cuda-toolkit metapackage instead of the cuda
   metapackage fixes: #748 (BugFix) by @bladernr in #749

   fix resultbuilder being None on autoresume (BugFix) by @kissiel in #797

Infrastructure/Tooling Changes:


   Add documentation section in the contributing guide (infra) by @pieqq in

   Validate pr title for traceability markers (infra) by @Hook25 in #732

   Exclude python main starting code from coverage report (infra) by
   @Hook25 in #733

   Infra: README edits by @mz2 in #737

   Add: snaps confinement test (new) by @patliuu in #663

   Fix PIP dependencies installation on bionic and older (Infra) by
   @kissiel in #712

   Add Manifest section in the base tutorial (infra) by @pieqq in #736

   Add link to existing documentation issues in "give feedback" (infra) by
   @pieqq in #738

   Replace hardcoded path with find for (infra) by @Hook25 in #751

   Doc: add change history to documentation (Infra) by @tang-mm in #750

   sanitize output printed by loguru so it doesn't crash on backtraces
   (Infra) by @kissiel in #702

   Updated ftws source url (Infra) by @Hook25 in #767

   Pull fwts from the new github repo (infra) by @Hook25 in #771

   A daily release pipeline to trigger the package specific daily pipelines
   (Infra) by @mz2 in #772

   Upload all checkboxXX_arch.txt logs (infra) by @Hook25 in #773

   mock the RemoteSessionAssistant entirely (BugFix) by @kissiel in #776

   Pass secrets to daily builds nested workflows (Bugfix) by @yphus in #777

   Move deb commit checking to the edge workflow (infra) by @Hook25 in #780

   Adds retries to daily builds (Infra) by @mz2 in #781

   An attempt at fixing a retry fail at the snap upload step (Infra) by
   @mz2 in #783

   replace generic GH runner with the self-hosted (Infra) by @kissiel in

   use strict POSIX shell syntax (Infra) by @kissiel in #788

   Remove i386 builds from the workflows (infra) by @Hook25 in #791

   Move to forked snapcraft build action (infra) by @Hook25 in #792

   Moves the daily builds to 18 UTC (Infra) by @mz2 in #794

   Split arch and name action as the build repo (infra) by @Hook25 in #796

   Sync beta edge workflow (infra) by @Hook25 in #799

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