New Checkbox release available in our Stable PPA! (2020-04-23)

Sylvain Pineau sylvain.pineau at
Thu Apr 23 15:50:41 UTC 2020

Hello all!

A new release of Checkbox is available in the stable PPA:

It includes a new version of the following components:

- checkbox-support 0.46.0
- plainbox-provider-resource 0.45.0
- plainbox-provider-checkbox 0.53.0
- plainbox-provider-certification-client 0.41.0
- plainbox-provider-certification-server 0.49.0

Bug fixes Add LVM check to 
canonical-certification-precheck Add cpufreq check to precheck script TPM 2.0/tpm2_takeownership is 
failed on 20.04 add nvdimm resource to avoid 
running nvdimm tests on systems without them nvdimm/health test failing 
inappropriately nvdimm test plan not running all 
tests ipmi_test not run (command not 
found) pyparsing.ParseException when 
running job audio/speaker-headphone-plug-detection on Ubuntu 20.04 add nvdimm health check test Convert ipmi_test from Bash to 


+ Bump to v0.49.0
+ Added CPUFreq_Check() to make sure cpufreq tests capable. -lp: #1874339
+ rebase for LVM precheck addition
+ Add nvdimm precheck
+ Fixed typo in certify-vm-20.04 launcher
+ increment version to v0.49.0.dev0
+ Added cpu-only launcher and testplan
+ Initial regression plan added/modified
+ Added 20.04 launchers and testplans
+ Removed old 16.04 testplans, as 16.04 will no longer be accepted once 
20.04 launches
+ de-versioned network-only testplan and launcher. Deleted versioned 
network-only testplan and launchers

+ Bump to v0.45.0
+ resource.pxu: Remove ipmctl packaging meta data unit
+ changed name of nvdimm resource job to not conflict elsewhere
+ usb: fix bad whitespace control
+ Add resource to detect NVDIMMs lp: #1873479
+ increment version to v0.45.0.dev0
+ bootloader: fix script for base core18 snaps

+ Bump to v0.53.0
+ fixed ipmi_test job def to call the right script name lp: #1874301
+ Minor refactoring (implemented feedback from Jeff Lane).
+ fixing resource job name
+ Minor refactoring, private function declaration.
+ add nvdimm resource dependency so these don't run on systems without 
+ Fix nvdimm/health to work for both versions 1 and 2 of ipmctl lp: #1873464
+ Fixed typo that kept nvdimm/info from running. lp: #1873468
+ power-management: add failed service checks
+ increment version to v0.53.0.dev0
+ Updated loop in ipmi_channel_helper().
+ Minor syntax fix in helper functions.
+ PEP8 spacing update.
+ Updated ipmi_channel_hlpr().
+ booted_kernel_tests: fix for base core18 snaps
+ Refactored ipmi_channel(), improved robustness.
+ Fix for loop in ipmi_channel().
+ General refactor/enhancements (var defines, syntax/comments).
+ explicit syntax adds
+ minor refactoring, syntax changes
+ Matching changes to function names for consistency
+ Minor variable changes for clarity.
+ Increased robustness of variable setting, performed minor refactoring 
of functions and general cleanup.
+ Refactored ipmi_channel(), minor syntax changes (last push till next 
+ Minor syntax/comment changes
+ Refactor to oop, add argparsing & logging (debug/quiet). Implemeneted 
feedback from Jeff Lane.
+ Function refactoring and general cleanup.
+ Minor syntax changes w/ print(f).
+ Converted ipmi_test from Bash to Python3; added functionality and 
streamlined output.

+ Bump to v0.41.0
+ change-order-for-after-suspend
+ client-cert-20-04.pxu: Update the tpm2 nested part to load 4.1.1 
upstream tests
+ increment version to v0.41.0.dev0
+ Add the client-cert-20-04 test plan

+ Bump to v1.13.0
+ New upstream integration tests for 20.04 (based on tpm2-tools 4.1.1)
+ increment version to v1.13.0.dev0

+ Bump to v0.46.0
+ Add distro package to testing requirements
+ relax distro package version requirement
+ increment version to v0.46.0.dev0
+ snap_utils/system: flake8 fix
+ snap_utils/system: add more convenience functions
+ fix crash of pactl parser when balance is negative


Sylvain Pineau

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