Next Release of Checkbox (Week #15 Release Candidate) available in Testing PPA

Sylvain Pineau sylvain.pineau at
Wed Apr 8 19:38:27 UTC 2020

Hello all!

The next release of Checkbox is available in the testing PPA:

- checkbox-ng 1.8.0rc1
- checkbox-support 0.45.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-resource 0.44.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-checkbox 0.52.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-certification-client 0.40.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-certification-server 0.48.0rc1
- checkbox-provider-phoronix 0.6.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-sru 1.18.0rc2

Please help testing this version.

Bug fixes


+ Bump to v1.8.0rc1
+ session: fix test duration for manual plugins
+ result: add a setter for execution_duration
+ session:restart: Fix RemoteDebRestartStrategy with a default value for 
+ resource: fix a problem with compound statements mixed with ()
+ session:assistant: Add support for RemoteDebRestartStrategy
+ session:assistant: Update logging calls
+ launcher:slave: pep8
+ launcher:slave: Add support for RemoteDebRestartStrategy
+ session:restart: Add RemoteDebRestartStrategy
+ execution: Add the NORMAL_USER en var to root jobs env
+ session:remote_assistant: Add XAUTHORITY to extra_env
+ session:remote_assistant: Update logging calls
+ execution: Fix execute_job logging msg (missing DIR param)
+ Change logging level about "Storing resource record" to DEBUG
+ resource: optimize evaluation of compound `requires` statements
+ disconnect previous master when a new one connects
+ resource: add unit tests for compound predicates
+ remove unused testutils
+ session:restart: Redirect stdout/err to /dev/console when using the 
+ classic checkbox snaps autorestart support (w/o remote)
+ session:assistant: Allow calls to configure_application_restart after 
+ docs: change new-snap-tutorial to use the content iface way
+ docs: remove plainbox invocations and more
+ remote_assistant: Add support for hide-resource-and-attachment & co
+ master: Only use the tqdm progress bars with a tty
+ master: Remove dead code
+ session:remote_assistant: Remote API bump 9 -> 10
+ session:remote_assistant: pep8
+ assistant: better info when transport fail due to exporter's error
+ provider_manager: overwrite existing provider when installing
+ master: Extend socket timeout to 120s
+ remote: Use io.stringio buffer instead of python queues to speed up io 
+ remote: First generate reports on slave before sending to master using 
+ plainbox:vendor: New RPyC version (4.1.4 2020.1.30)
+ providers:exporters: create buildstamp on pass
+ providers:exporters: add field in json template to know job type
+ xlsx: fix crash when resources were missing fields
+ move sideloading logic from SA to providers module
+ fixup! providers: add sideloaded flag to provider units
+ flag providers loaded using "embedded loader" as sideloaded
+ providers: add sideloaded flag to provider units
+ increment version to v1.8.0.dev0
+ add python3-psutil dependency
+ launcher: Fix manifest recording when test selection is forced

+ Bump to v0.45.0rc1
+ Wait a little longer for power on to complete in the eddystone_scanner 
+ Fix script to display verbose information as help says it 
+ lshwjson: fix crash when lshw returns a list of objects
+ increase timeout on connect tasks
+ udevadm: list RAIDs as disks
+ increment version to v0.45.0.dev0
+ snap_utils/snapd: output task info during changes
+ snap_utils/snapd: abort changes that timeout

+ Bump to v0.52.0rc1
+ bin:pm_test: Use the NORMAL_USER en var when invoked via remote
+ cpu/jobs.pxu: don't run cpu_scaling on ppc64el or s390x as it isnt 
applicable there. lp: #1853847
+ bin:disk_read_performance_test: Revert ata threshold to 80 MB/sec
+ bin/light_sensor_test: set script executable
+ Backed off nvme and mdadm changes to disk_read_performance_test in 
response to review comments.
+ power: add light sensor test
+ Update disk_read_performance_test with new device types & more modern 
minimum acceptable speeds
+ Also delete fwupdate from the relevant jobs.pxu file
+ Remove miscellanea/fwupdate test
+ stress_ng_test: Reintroduced missing af-alg stressor in the cpu stress 
test lp: #1868269
+ Changed fwts verbose criterion from high to critical.
+ Make fwts test more verbose about failures above a certain level
+ modify check-fde-tpm
+ Only depend on ipmctl for amd64
+ Fixed failure of LXD test to run under 20.04 pre-release
+ camera: add packaging units for roundtrip-qr job
+ camera: add roundtrip-qr display/camera test
+ updates to add category
+ added a constraint so ipmctl jobs only run on 18.04 or later
+ Add new NVDIMM specific jobs and category for future jobs. lp: #1865521
+ xrand_cycle: don't try setting resolutions that don't work
+ Added explicit 'environ' specification to memory stress test definition
+ wwan: remove missed context cruft from gsm test
+ wwan: use dbus on resource as with other jobs
+ Output reformating.
+ Added checks in bin/ipmi_test for IPMI version + ipmi-locate. Enhanced 
output readability to handle increased output.
+ Add support for STRESS_NG_MIN_SWAP_SIZE env variable to set min swap size
+ Update bin/ipmi_test to use FreeIPMI in place of OpenIPMI (ipmitool).
+ set threshold for disk_read test to 80MB/s for RAIDs
+ fix storage_test so it sees partitions on RAIDs
+ increment version to v0.52.0.dev0
+ Add ID for AMD Lisbon (Opteron 4100), change naming for 6100 to proper 
name Magny-Cours lp: #1863789
+ Replace three stress-ng scripts with a unified script.
+ add verbose output on install tests
+ pick test snap based on base
+ camera: only run rpi test on armhf
+ Updated CoffeeLake and Kabylake to reflect correct CPU stepings
+ Update to add new Kaby Lake stepping. lp: #1861536
+ cpu/jobs.pxu: don't run cpu_scaling on ppc64el or s390x as it isnt 
applicable there. lp: #1853847

+ Bump to v0.48.0rc1
+ units/storage-only.pxu: removed blank line that was causing unittest 
+ Found a last-minute bug in the precheck script multi-network 
iperf-detection code.
+ Improve precheck script handling of multi-network configurations
+ Delete the now-removed fwupdate test from the test plan
+ Revert "Workaround for qemu-img bug in Eoan affecting 
+ Improve setting of jumbo frames in precheck script, per Jeff's coments
+ Reset to HEAD~1 on plainbox-provider-checkbox and changed all refs in 
plainbox-provider-certification-server/units. lp: #:1866078
+ Update canonical-certification-precheck to set jumbo frames, where 
+ Added GPGPU check to atempt to identify GPGPUs and inform user to run lp: #1865886
+ added the nvdimm tests to the test plans lp: #1865521
+ increment version to v0.48.0.dev0

+ Bump to v0.40.0rc1
+ move dock test plan
+ increment version to v0.40.0.dev0

+ Bump to v1.18.0rc2
+ sru.pxu: Adopt the mediacard-automated nested part
+ sru.pxu: Use nested parts where applicable
+ Bump to v1.18.0rc1
+ Add after-suspend-wireless-automated
+ Add nested parts for wifi tests, usb, and ethernet to sru test plan
+ increment version to v1.18.0.dev0

+ Bump to v0.6.0rc1
+ add PTS tests that are included in the autotest suite
+ make an explicit list of tests to run
+ add real dependencies for the PTS
+ remove xserver-xorg-dev from packaging
+ increment version to v0.6.0.dev0

+ Bump to v0.4.0rc1
+ data: update BrandString config
+ increment version to v0.4.0.dev0

+ Bump to v0.44.0rc1
+ Fixed traceback in cpuinfo_resource when attempting to open the 
scaling_available_governors file on systems where it does not exist. lp: 
+ mobilebroadband_resource: Fix to work with mm-cli >= 1.10
+ increment version to v0.44.0.dev0


Sylvain Pineau

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