Modifyable launchers
Jeffrey Lane
jeffrey.lane at
Mon Oct 17 20:57:59 UTC 2016
I'm trying (and failing) to create a modifiable launcher for
checkbox-cli. IRC seems pretty vacant so I'm asking here instead (and
an email thread is probably better anyway).
The most recent version looks like so (I've trimmed some things out
just for brevity sake):
cat << EOF | checkbox-cli
#!/usr/bin/env checkbox-cli
app_id =
launcher_version = 1
stock_reports = submission_files, certification
[test plan]
unit =
filter = *-server-*, *-only, *virtual*, *firmware-tests
forced = yes
[test selection]
forced = yes
type = silent
output = hide
config_filename = canonical-certification.conf
Now looking at at the help for checkbox-cli, it says this:
usage: checkbox-cli [-h] [--verify] [--title SESSION_NAME] [LAUNCHER]
positional arguments:
LAUNCHER launcher definition file to use
And given that checkbox-cli is called as an interpreter in the normal
launcher file, in theory I should be able to cat the file and pipe it
to checkbox-cli. but that does not work.
So how can I do that?
The end goal is to get a launcher file that will choose a unit based
on certain data...
for example, if I have two units called:
I want to be able to do something like this:
RELEASE=`lsb_release -r |cut -f 2`
[test plan]
unit =$RELEASE-tests
and have it automatically load the unit appropriate to $RELEASE.
"Entropy isn't what it used to be."
Jeff Lane -
Server Certification Lead, Warrior Poet, Biker, Lover of Pie
Phone: 919-442-8649
Ubuntu Ham: W4KDH Freenode IRC: bladernr or bladernr_
gpg: 1024D/3A14B2DD 8C88 B076 0DD7 B404 1417 C466 4ABD 3635 3A14 B2DD
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