PyCon mypy talk "Static Typing for Python"

Paul Larson paul.larson at
Tue May 31 14:57:36 UTC 2016

Interesting! I've seen a bit of this in your code before I think, but
haven't really looked into it much. The document you link does a good job
of illustrating why it can be useful. Having done a bit of refactoring
recently, I can attest that this problem of multiple definitions with the
same name exists in checkbox and poses the same sort of problem.

On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 2:39 AM, Zygmunt Bazyli Krynicki <
zkrynicki at> wrote:

> Hey
> I've mentioned this a few times before but perhaps it is worth another look
> I think checkbox would benefit if we would adopt this as another tool in
> our kit.
> Best regards
> ZK
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