dmidecode, SMBIOS 3.0, and the hardware certification PPA
Jeffrey Lane
jeffrey.lane at
Mon Jun 27 20:02:12 UTC 2016
SO I wanted to follow up on this and see how it went...
On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 10:43 AM, Roderick W. Smith
<rod.smith at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> I've only recently been made aware of this bug:
> In brief, the version of dmidecode delivered with Xenial and earlier
> doesn't work correctly with the latest SMBIOS versions. A fix is
> available, but is not yet in the standard Xenial repos. I've therefore
> taken the liberty of copying Colin's Xenial test package from his PPA
> to our certification PPA (ppa:hardware-certification/public), for both
> Xenial and Trusty. I've tested both, and they work, although my test
> platforms don't support SMBIOS 3.0, so I'm relying on the bug reports'
> claims that the fix works properly for SMBIOS 3.0.
> One big caveat: On my test deployments (using MAAS to deploy the
> server version of Ubuntu), the old version of dmidecode is installed,
> simply because it's included in the custom images we deploy. I'm not
> sure what would happen on a client deployment, although I suspect the
> same would be true there. Thus, using the updated dmidecode will
> require doing a "sudo apt-get install dmidecode" before use. The
> silver lining to this is that if you don't want to use the new
> version, it's easy enough to avoid it -- at least for server testing.
> Jeff, if you like, I can modify our MAAS preseed file to install the
> updated dmidecode automatically. This doesn't seem to be a pressing
> need, so I'll leave it until I hear from you next week.
Yeah, we should do this... considering that for now, doing "apt-get
install dmidecode" will pull from our PPA and install the updated
version, and once it's released to Updates, "apt-get install
dmidecode" will install the updated version from -updates
> If putting this updated dmidecode in our shared PPA is a problem, just
> say so and I'll remove it -- or remove it yourself if it's causing
> immediate problems. In theory, the version that's being SRU'd into
> Xenial should take precedence over the version in our PPA, but that
> version will never make it into Trusty, so we may yet have need of it
> there.
> - --
> Rod Smith
> Server and Cloud Certification Engineer
> rod.smith at
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"Entropy isn't what it used to be."
Jeff Lane -
Server Certification Lead, Warrior Poet, Biker, Lover of Pie
Phone: 919-442-8649
Ubuntu Ham: W4KDH Freenode IRC: bladernr or bladernr_
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