Initial specification of the checkbox launcher language

Ara Pulido ara.pulido at
Mon Jan 25 13:03:50 UTC 2016

On 22/01/16 11:03, Zygmunt Krynicki wrote:
> Hey
> We had a small call (Sylvain, Pierre, Maciek and me) to discuss the
> launcher language.
> You can have a look at the initial specification [1] for what we want
> to build here.


I made a couple of comments.


> For some back story. Launchers are declarative programs that run
> checkbox in a given way. Currently we have launchers with a set of
> ill-designed features that exposed various bits and pieces of
> checkbox's development history that is not maintainable or easily
> comprehensible.
> The design of the new language is based on simple principles:
> - Launchers expose useful features of the Session Assistant
> - Launchers have sane defaults for interactive testing
> - Launchers fit the common cases. Everything else is a custom executable.
> With this in place, we can generate correct python code from any
> launcher, to use as a starting point in creating custom solutions. New
> features, unless they are crystal-clear, should be first prototyped as
> executables so that we don't repeat the same mistakes.
> Best regards
> ZK
> [1]

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