Images changes ahead

Paul Larson paul.larson at
Mon Jan 11 14:23:33 UTC 2016

Yeah, this is basically going to require pretty much starting over on the
automation for provisioning. However, there are also some pretty major
changes that have come in from SPI, so the timing of both of these things
breaking the world is pretty good - that way we only have to deal with the
pain once. :)

Any idea of the timing of this?
Also, is there a realistic demo build of the image, and how the tools will
work that we can use for testing on our side?

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 3:14 AM, Zygmunt Krynicki <
zygmunt.krynicki at> wrote:

> Hi
> FYI, we'll probably have to make minor but required changes to support
> snappy Ubuntu 16.04. I suggest that a small story be created to test
> our tooling on 16.04 edge to make sure this works.
> Best regards
> ZK
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Michael Vogt <michael.vogt at>
> Date: Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 10:02 PM
> Subject: Images changes ahead
> To: snappy-devel at
> Hi,
> just a quick heads-up about the 16.04 rolling image. We plan to move
> exclusively to the all-snaps images soon. This means that the existing
> installed 16.04 system-image based installs will soon stop
> updating. There is currently no transition so you will have to reflash.
> As part of this change we will also rename some directories. It will
> be /snaps, /var/lib/snaps and /home/*/snaps in the new images. Plus
> the environment variables will be cleaned up, the details for the new
> names will follow once that change has landed.
> Sorry for the inconvenience. It is a really important step for snappy
> and our goal is that this is the only image change that requires a
> reflash.
> Cheers,
>  Michael
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