Please review package bugs

Ara Pulido ara.pulido at
Thu Jul 23 10:18:19 UTC 2015

On 22/07/15 19:29, Zygmunt Krynicki wrote:
> Hey.
> I just went through the list of bugs in the checbbox provider
> *package* in Ubuntu [1]. As you probably saw, by the storm of messages
> we got, we should look at that package bugs more often. I only
> realized this because my Debian QA page [2] linked to them.
> I also feel bad about not supporting Trusty better. I doubt we can
> just get an approval for a wholesale update of the whole stack there
> and I don't see us going through painful SRU process to get lots of
> small fixes in place. The only think I can think of, is that for
> Ubuntu 15.10 we'll ship a much better set of packages. We should also
> look at applying for the per-package-upload right so that we can work
> on keeping everything up-to-date (I'm looking at checkbox-converged
> here)

+1000 on getting per-package-upload rights.


> Thanks
> ZK
> [1]
> [2]

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