Accepted cacti-cactid 0.8.6d-5 (source)
Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync
katie at
Thu Apr 14 18:15:53 CDT 2005
Hash: SHA1
Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 23:08:43 +0100
Source: cacti-cactid
Binary: cacti-cactid
Architecture: source
Version: 0.8.6d-5
Distribution: breezy
Urgency: high
Maintainer: sean finney <seanius at>
Changed-By: Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <katie at>
cacti-cactid - Multi-Threading poller for cacti
Closes: 140461 146799 147259 147262 147283 148862 149787 154822 156951 157381 157383 157740 160694 160703 161278 161279 162574 162873 166296 167814 172410 177791 179561 183287 183288 183288 184324 186013 189401 196199 197119 198777 204290 211249 224214 225890 227295 227737 228948 234726 237055 245916 246982 249590 250652 252017 252021 253202 253585 254856 255971 263262 264090 267009 267758 268801 269480 270277 270787 297996 298344 299249 302078
cacti-cactid (0.8.6d-5) unstable; urgency=low
* brazillian portuguese debconf translations, thanks to
Rodrigo Tadeu Claro <rlinux at> (closes: #302078).
* french debconf translations, thanks to Eric <eric-m at>
(closes: #299249).
cacti-cactid (0.8.6d-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* cactid was looking for a default conf file in /etc/cacticactid.conf,
i inserted the missing '/'. thanks to Rafael D'Halleweyn <list at>
(closes: #298344).
* cactid.conf now includes an SNMP_Ver parameter.
* build-depend on libmysqlclient12-dev, not just the generic virtual dev
package. this should hopefully prevent a future pbuilder problem.
cacti-cactid (0.8.6d-3) unstable; urgency=high
* FTBFS? d'oh! now build-depends on dpatch. thanks to the hppa
autobuilders for finding that one (closes: #297996).
cacti-cactid (0.8.6d-2) unstable; urgency=high
* no changes from previous version, but this is the upload
to unstable needed to fix the rc bug in cacti.
cacti-cactid (0.8.6d-1) experimental; urgency=low
* new upstream release.
* new maintainer.
* cactid is now generated by a seperate source package, as that's what
upstream has been doing all along.
* this upload is "experimental" to make sure the source package split
works okay with the NEW queue being frozen. if it works the
next upload will be priority high, as the combined cacti/cactid
uploads will fix an rc bug.
cacti (0.8.5a-8) unstable; urgency=high
* Update pt_BR, nl debconf translations. (Closes: #270277, #270787)
cacti (0.8.5a-7) unstable; urgency=low
* Update french translation. (Closes: #268801)
* Checking for short tags in cacti/debian.php and fix them if needed. (Closes: #269480)
* debian/README.Debian: add a new section about php short tags
cacti (0.8.5a-6) unstable; urgency=high
* Don't know why it was last: change priority from extra to optional
* debian/README.Debian: spell checking, add docu for php4-cli
* ship a new script which check for php4-mysql support and print a
error message to the poller logfile. With the modification of the
readme file I think the bug can be closed. (Closes: #267009)
cacti (0.8.5a-5) unstable; urgency=high
* debian/control: change priority from extra to optional
* replace Brazilian Portuguese translation. (Closes: #264090)
* debian/cacti.templates: Add new choice "None" to the webserver question.
This gives the user a chance to use his own webserver. (Closes: #255971)
* If we search for a local installed mysql-server check for packages
which are installed or on hold. (Closes: #263262)
* Fix some errors while removing include line from httpd.conf file. Also,
print an error message if this doesn't work. New installations should
use apache/conf.d anyway. (Closes: #253202)
* SECURITY-UPDATE: Fix SQL Injection in CACTI. (Closes: #267758)
Original upstream patch:
* cacti.apache.conf: Change some php4 settings to make cacti more robust/secure.
* /etc/cacti/debian.php: create long php4 tags '<?php' per default.
* running debconf2po-update
cacti (0.8.5a-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Change package priority to extra.
* Change cronjob. The output of the poller job is now appended to the
* Update french debconf translation: fr.po. (Closes: #253585)
* Add debconf translation: pt_BR.po. Don't know, which language
this is :-) (Closes: #252021, #252017)
* Backport cacti cvs fix (#0000176) into debian version. This will fix
compatiblity problem with the output of the df command and long device
names. (Closes: #254856)
cacti (0.8.5a-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix type in package description. (Closes: #249590)
* Update dutch debconf translation. (Closes: #250652)
cacti (0.8.5a-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix error in the cron script
- isn't in the default path, we need ./ here
- make sure the cacti directory exists, otherwise we will get
a lot of error messages from cron. (Closes: #246982)
* Depend also on apache2. Still depend on php4-cgi, we need both
packages: php4 and php4-cgi. (Closes: #227295)
* Make the package apache2 "safe". Depend on php4 or libapache2-mod-php4
* Include apache2 howto into debian/README.Debian.
* Update templates, maintainer scripts to install config files for apache2
too. Update german translation
* cactid: remove upstream installation docu
cacti (0.8.5a-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream version.
* Include new dutch debconf translation: nl.po. (Closes: #245916)
* Insert new dependency on php4-snmp which removes a lot of extra cpu usage.
Thanks Rafael D'Halleweyn. (Closes: #228948)
* Update debconf template and german/french translations.
Thanks Christian Perrier. (Closes: #225890)
* Including the new multi-threading poller (cactid). This binary can collect
multiple datasources at the same time. (Closes: #186013, #237055)
The program is not in the core release and not marked as stable, that's
why I include it in an extra debian package.
* The MySQL admin password is now removed from debconf database, if the user
decide to not store it. (Closes: #224214)
* The new script report the output from the poller into a logfile.
Maybe not the best solution, but so we don't loose any output. (Closes: #234726)
* The new package containts the install/ directory also. This is useful,
if we're not upgrading from 0.8.4 but from an other version. (Closes: #227737)
* Insert an upgrade path from 0.8.4 and 0.8.5, this is done via sql scripts
in updscripts/
* A new script is used for cronjobs. This script use either cacti
or the new cactid poller (depends on the default-poller file).
* During upgrade the databases are dumped/backuped.
* Update build system. Change to cdbs system.
* Update README.Debian file.
* Update Build-Depends/Depends
cacti (0.8.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Print a warning message, if cacti is upgraded from an old version
* extend debian/README.Debian with upgrade database instructions
cacti (0.8.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New maintainer. (Closes: #196199)
* New upstream version. (Closes: #198777)
* debian/changelog:
- convert to UTF-8
* debian/control:
- update standards version
- update build dependencies
- insert new logrotate dependency
- depend on libphp-adodb, which is also in the archive
- add apache-perl to apache dependency list. (Closes: #204290)
* debian/rules: rewrite the way to install the files into the package
* debian/cacti.cron.d:
- make the script a little bit more robust. (Closes: #211249)
* debian/README.Debian:
- replace most parts of the text.
* debian/cacti.apache.conf:
- reformat the file a little bit
- remove unused phtml extension
* debian/cacti.logrotate:
- reformat the file
cacti (0.6.8a-13.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Rewrote debconf templates to more standard english with the help of
debian-l10n-english. Former templates have been left for future reference
Closes: #189401
* French debconf templates update. Closes: #197119
* More secure temp file handling in postrm. Thanks lintian.
cacti (0.6.8a-13) unstable; urgency=low
* Orphan this package
cacti (0.6.8a-12) unstable; urgency=low
* Missed to close bug #183287 (Closes: #183287)
cacti (0.6.8a-11) unstable; urgency=low
* remove quote in cron.php in order to be run in safe_mode
and /var/log/httpd/access_log -> /var/log/apache/access_log in
scripts/webhits (Closes: #177791)
* fix non installation when no mysql server is present when localhost
installation (Closes: #183288, #184324)
* fix non removal when no mysql server found (in localhost installation)
(Closes: #183288)
* fix loop when upgrading and mysql-server != localhost (Closes: #179561)
* use po-debconf
cacti (0.6.8a-10) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix various packaging mistakes
- Mention that mysql is not installed on local systems (complement to the
- Provide a good cacti.sql (Closes: #166296)
- config.php is only store in /etc/cacti (Closes: #172410)
- Provide somes explanations for scripts provided in the package
(see the README.Debian file) (Closes: #167814)
* Standards-Version: 3.5.8
cacti (0.6.8a-9) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix extra OID in parameter. Thanks to Roberto Moreda
<moreda at> (Closes: #162873)
cacti (0.6.8a-8) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix typo in postinst file (Closes: #162574)
cacti (0.6.8a-7) unstable; urgency=low
* fix broken regexp in include/snmp_functions.php
* force the use of external snmp functions
cacti (0.6.8a-6) unstable; urgency=low
* apply a patch provided by Blaine Kahle <blaine at> in order to
cleanly use net-snmp5
cacti (0.6.8a-5) unstable; urgency=low
* re-add lost patch provided by Adam Conrad in order to bypass the php4-cgi
installation bug (related bugs: #147385, #147261, #129883 and #145465)
(Closes: #154822)
cacti (0.6.8a-4) unstable; urgency=low
* New recommends on iputils-ping (because of the "-w" ping option)
(Closes: #161278, #161279)
* New Standards (
cacti (0.6.8a-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix type in postinst file (Closes: #160694)
* Add missing ; in include/rrd_functions.php file (Closes: #160703)
cacti (0.6.8a-2) unstable; urgency=high
* Security upload:
really fix the arbitrary program code execution.
cacti (0.6.8a-1) unstable; urgency=high
* Security Upload:
prevent executing arbitrary program code under the user id of the web
cacti (0.6.8-10) unstable; urgency=high
* fix the wrong setcookie() call (Closes: #157740)
* force the use of net-snmp tool instead of using native broken php-snmp
functions (Closes: #157383,#157381)
* urgency=high because cacti is not usable with the php-snmp functions
cacti (0.6.8-9) unstable; urgency=low
* The «I'm too lame and stupid» version
* really add the «if exists» statement
cacti (0.6.8-8) unstable; urgency=low
* add a «if exists» when dropping the database (for partial installation)
cacti (0.6.8-7) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix uninstallable package with calling mysql differently (Closes: #156951)
cacti (0.6.8-6) unstable; urgency=low
* move php-cgi bug workaround from include/database.php to
include/config.php in order to fix the html export bug
* put strict dependency on mysql-client (because of SQL query)
(Closes: #149787)
cacti (0.6.8-5) unstable; urgency=low
* ask for password confirmation.
* Test if provided password for mysql is Ok. (Closes: #148862)
* add two scripts
cacti (0.6.8-4) unstable; urgency=low
* put php_flag short_open_tag On in apache.conf file (Closes: #147283)
* fix SQL entry for webhits script
cacti (0.6.8-3) unstable; urgency=low
* provide the script (I'm too lame)
cacti (0.6.8-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Suppress and fix wrong SQL inserts. (Closes: #147259,#147262)
Thanks to Guillaume <mail at>
* Applied a patch provided by Adam Conrad in order to bypass php4-cgi
installation bug
cacti (0.6.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream version (Closes: #146799)
* add new script that fetches informations directly from /proc (Luc
* patch auth_login.php in order to move php4 dependency from Depends to
Recommends. Now only php4-cgi package is mandatory. (Luc Saillard)
* Standards-Version:
cacti (0.6.7-2) unstable; urgency=low
* add snmp to dependencies
* fix logrotate broken file
* add a note in README.Debian concerning php4-cgi installation
cacti (0.6.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Release. (Closes: #140461)
958fc35af3d618534bab00ecbfc14f52 9922 web extra cacti-cactid_0.8.6d-5.diff.gz
fb93077b46509027a9490c2adbbf0e26 114705 web extra cacti-cactid_0.8.6d.orig.tar.gz
259b9216b97d5870f0940a528c0498a9 639 web extra cacti-cactid_0.8.6d-5.dsc
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
to pool/universe/c/cacti-cactid/cacti-cactid_0.8.6d-5.diff.gz
to pool/universe/c/cacti-cactid/cacti-cactid_0.8.6d-5.dsc
to pool/universe/c/cacti-cactid/cacti-cactid_0.8.6d.orig.tar.gz
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