Accepted nagios 2:1.3-cvs.20050402-1 (source)
Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync
katie at
Wed Apr 13 11:15:22 CDT 2005
Hash: SHA1
Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 17:07:47 +0100
Source: nagios
Binary: nagios-mysql, nagios-pgsql, nagios-common, nagios-text
Architecture: source
Version: 2:1.3-cvs.20050402-1
Distribution: breezy
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Nagios Maintainer Group <pkg-nagios-devel at>
Changed-By: Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <katie at>
Closes: 260914 275009 282132 282848 283778 283947 285550 287324 288705 288914 289109 289404 289830 290003 290243 290319 290681 290739 291351 292293 292473 293242 294178 295345 296100 296306 296562 297905 298213 299467 299470 299613 301099 301105 302245 302994
nagios (2:1.3-cvs.20050402-1) unstable; urgency=low
- new upstream cvs snapshot (bugfixes and doc updates only).
- somehow nagios got packaged as a debian-native package. oops.
thanks to Stephen Gran <sgran at> for pointing out
the mistake (closes: #302245).
- remove duplicate call do db_purge in maintainer scripts
- remove duplicate call to invoke-rc.d in maintainer scripts, thanks
to alban browaeys <browaeys.alban at> (closes: #301099).
- don't jump the gun and use htpasswd-caudium just because it exists.
instead, make sure that the admin has also not selected to configure
nagios for apache variants (in which case htpasswd should stay as
the nagios htpasswd). thanks again to alban (closes: #301105).
- check_started was broken for reloading nagios-pgsql and nagios-mysql.
thanks to Olleg Samoylov <olleg at> (closes: #299470).
- plugins would break in environments that use commas in their floating
points. as a workaround, set LC_NUMERIC=POSIX in the init script.
thanks again to Olleg Samoylov <olleg at> (closes: #299467).
- documentation changes suggested by David Greaves <david at>
(closes: #299613).
- added a note about heavily loaded servers in README.Debian
(closes: #283947, #292473). thanks to Cyril Bouthors <cyb at>.
- updated README.Debian, removing various out-of-date info, and putting
in a little more about virtual hosts with apache.
- also updated NEWS, as it looks like the recent side.html change broke
the configs of some people who were using nagios in a virtualhost. note
that a simple fix exists, see README.Debian :)
- change and clarification in the default contacts. thanks to
alban (closes: #302994).
nagios (2:1.3-cvs.20050116-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* Sean Finney:
- refine the check_nagios function in the init script to look
for /usr/sbin/nagios instead of anything matching nagios.
should fix init script restarts after nagios has crashes.
thanks to Stephane Dudzinski <stephane at> (closes: #297905).
- updated czech translation, courtesy of
Miroslav Kure <kurem at> (closes: #298213).
- updates to README.pgsql: the postgres user nagios should be the
owner of the nagios databases, and the cgi scripts don't need
full access to the nagios databases, so creating another user
is good practice security-wise. thanks for this go to
Marcus Better <marcus at> (closes: #296100, #296306).
- nagios installs now include /var/log/nagios/archives, thanks
to Heno Ivanov <heno at> (closes: #290003).
- check_nagios in the init script is a little more robust by
running both the check_nagios_db script *and* looking for the
pid. thanks to Ryszard Lach <rla at> (closes: #296562).
- removed old, obsolete, probably unused support for check_netsaint.
if it breaks anything we can always add it back :)
- why have are we using an ugly hack like update_nagios when we
have something graceful and built-in like cfg_dir? thanks to
Steve Wray <stevew at> for pointing this out.
- no longer ship update-nagios, as we don't need it.
nagios (2:1.3-cvs.20050116-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Sean Finney:
- finally a fix for the absolute hrefs in side.html. thanks to
Erik Rossen <rossen at> reporting this bug 203 days
ago (closes: #260914).
- README.pgsql already contains clarifications on the conf file
defaults for connecting to RDBMSes. I updated README.mysql to be
more clear on this as well thanks to olaf for pointing out
the discrepancy a while back (closes: #282848).
- change permissions of update-nagios output to be readable by
group www-data, as it broke non-setuid cgi scripts. thanks
to Joergen Haegg <jorgen.hagg at> for finding this
problem (closes: #292293).
- mkdir /etc/$apache/conf.d, not /etc/$apache/$conf in postinst.
d'oh. actually, we shouldn't make that director at all in the
postscript, but list it as a directory in nagios-common.dirs.
Thanks to Pierre (didn't get his last name and he sent mail as root)
for this one (closes: #295345).
- make absolutely sure that /var/log/nagios/status.log is present
on the filesystem for nagios-text. thanks to
Tobias Krais <krais at> for pointing this out (closes: #288914).
- clarification in the postinst message for when someone chooses
manual/no configuration of apache and htpasswd doesn't exist.
thanks to Jamie Wilkinson <jamie at> (closes: #290243).
- added checks to prevent dpkg-statoverride from being called on
files already in the overrides database, and also removing files not
in the database.
nagios (2:1.3-cvs.20050116-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Sean Finney:
- use dpkg-statoverride to keep permissions set appropriately
for cgi files (closes: #293242, #291351). thanks to
Tristan Seligmann <mithrandi at> and to
Steve Greenland <steveg at> for reporting this.
- added a -e 15 to the call of check_nagios in the init script,
after many reports of check_nagios failing without it
(closes: #294178, #289830). thanks to Heno Ivanov <heno at>
and jan gregor <pamela at> for pointing this out.
- change calls of chown to foo:bar, as the former is
- restarting the init script no longer issues an extra "Restarting
nagios", as it created some confusing output.
- template-based extinfo is restored for nagios-text.
nagios (2:1.3-cvs.20050116-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Sean Finney:
- built against a new upstream cvs snapshot, removed dpatch patches
that previously incorporated these post 1.2 changes. this also
brings in updated upstream documentation (closes: #282132).
- nagios-pgsql now recommends libdbd-pg-perl, and likewise for
nagios-mysql. thanks to raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet <surcouf at>
for pointing this out with nagios-pgsql (closes: #285550).
- the postinst for nagios-common no longer fails if update-nagios
returns an error (which can be caused by nagios failing to reload)
thanks to Olivier Berger <olivier.berger at> and
Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at> (closes: #283778).
- now build against libmysqlclient14. thanks to
Greg Cox <ratness at> for pointing out that we were
still building against 3.23 versioned libraries.
- updated german debconf translation. thanks for this one go to
Erik Schanze <schanzi_usenet at> (closes: #289404).
- updated danish debconf translation. thanks for this one go to
Claus Hindsgaul <claus_h at> (closes: #290739).
- don't disclose the database password in the error logs. thanks to
Mikael Magnusson <mikma at> for pointing this
out (closes: #290319).
- fixes to calling configure in debian/rules. among other things this
should resolve issues with nagios packages not accessing hostextinfo
as they should. thanks to Roy Bonser <rbonser at>
for pointing out these symptoms (closes: #290681).
- now include a README.pgsql, which was provided by
Ricky Ng-Adam <rngadam at>. this should clear up many
issues that postgresql users were having with lacking documentation.
thanks also to Marcus Better and Klaus Schiwinsky for their reports
(closes: #287324, #288705).
- now start with as a S30 script instead of S20, to make sure we
give a potential mysql/postgresql server a bit more time to
start up. not the perfect solution, but should work for most
cases. thanks to Marcus Better <marcus at> for pointing
this out (closes: #289109).
- patch the sample cgi.cfg to tell the local admin how to use
extinfo based on which package they're using--as opposed to
telling them exactly a method not supported in any package,
which is what it was previously doing (closes: #275009).
0f92b7b8e705411b7881d3650cbb5d56 1621251 net optional nagios_1.3-cvs.20050402.orig.tar.gz
3d297ce0143142929442a2022e390440 64408 net optional nagios_1.3-cvs.20050402-1.diff.gz
7b4caa20e606dd4f9d53f50b20b6f9f1 1021 net optional nagios_1.3-cvs.20050402-1.dsc
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
to pool/main/n/nagios/nagios_1.3-cvs.20050402-1.diff.gz
to pool/main/n/nagios/nagios_1.3-cvs.20050402-1.dsc
to pool/main/n/nagios/nagios_1.3-cvs.20050402.orig.tar.gz
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