[ubuntu/bionic-updates] plymouth 0.9.3-1ubuntu7.18.04.2 (Accepted)

Łukasz Zemczak lukasz.zemczak at canonical.com
Tue Apr 23 09:30:23 UTC 2019

plymouth (0.9.3-1ubuntu7.18.04.2) bionic; urgency=medium

  [ Mauricio Faria de Oliveira ]
  * d/p/0013-device-manager-don-t-watch-for-udev-events-when-deac_bionic.patch:
    - Don't process udev events after we've been deactivated (e.g., by gdm).
      These can cause the VT/tty to be set back to VT_AUTO mode after it's
      set to VT_PROCESS mode (by gdm), which blocks 'chvt' indefinitely on
      that VT (login screen or auto-login session in tty1). (LP: #1817738)

  [ Brian Murray ]
  * debian/patches/git_helper_renderer.patch,
    - 'device-manager: free keyboards when deactivating a renderer',
      (LP: #1794292)

Date: 2019-04-04 16:19:08.004283+00:00
Changed-By: Dan Streetman <dan.streetman at canonical.com>
Signed-By: Łukasz Zemczak <lukasz.zemczak at canonical.com>
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