[ubuntu/bionic-proposed] xfce4-indicator-plugin 2.3.3-1 (Accepted)
Unit 193
unit193 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 23:43:39 UTC 2018
xfce4-indicator-plugin (2.3.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Evgeni Golov ]
* Correct Vcs-* URLs to point to anonscm.debian.org
* Add Build-Depends on libgtk-3-dev (>= 3.6).
* Tighten Build-Depends on libxfce4ui-2-dev and libxfce4util-dev.
[ Yves-Alexis Perez ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/control
- update xfce4-panel-dev build-dep to libxfce4-panel-2.0-dev.
- update libindicator-dev build-dep to libindicator3-dev and version it.
[ Mateusz Łukasik ]
* New upstream release.
[ Unit 193 ]
* Run wrap-and-sort.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.1.
* d/control, d/copyright: Use https where possible.
* d/compat, d/control: Bump dh compat to 10.
* d/control:
- B-D on gtk-doc-tools and xfce4-dev-tools for autoreconf.
- Drop B-D on autotools-dev and versioned B-D on dpkg-dev.
- Update B-D for Ayatana.
+ libido3-0.4-dev → libayatana-ido3-0.4-dev
+ libindicator3-dev → libayatana-indicator3-dev
- Drop recommend on indicator-messages-gtk2.
- Recommend ayatana-indicator-application.
* d/p/01_ayatana.patch:
- Update configure.ac and headers to look for ayatana libs.
* d/rules:
- Drop explicit --parallel and --with autotools-dev.
- override_dh_autoreconf to use xdt-autogen.
Date: 2017-10-15 22:38:18.817926+00:00
Signed-By: Unit 193 <unit193 at gmail.com>
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